Hi. Waluigi
Im really sorry if I have upset you. That was never my intention. I don't think you were one of the people who were less than helpful. And please don't give up helping others because I am 'hard work'
I do understand that I may have been frustrating to assist. I am an over thinker and also over engineering everything. Plus I am a bit of a perfectionist. Trying to
Piece together all the information I have been given is not always easy, especially when newbies like me ask very specific questions and often people don't answer the specific questions. For me it can be frustrating. I do value all constructive help given. I may not always reply, and that is a fault on my part. I'm not entirely sure what you meant as 'zero integration', perhaps you mean my failure to respond, perhaps you mean my apparent failure to piece together all the advice I have been give. I'm a worrier, and so I try to make every stage of the process perfect. I'm currently re doing the whole ensuite and because I know that water can do so much damage, I worry about getting everything perfect to avoid future problems, so everything to do with the shower section of the room, I'm trying to get perfect.
There is a lot of information out there on the web, but finding something that walks you through every process from the absolute begining is difficult. Hence the many questions, probably very disjointed questions that come to mind, often late at night when I should be sleeping. Haha
Once again, sorry if I offended or simply just frustrating you.
Have a good weekend