There's a tile I fix quite a lot (the name escapes me at the mo) 300 x 600 12mm thick porcelain and it has 10 tiles in a box. It's an absolute beast to lift and my apprentice cant manage it, much to my annoyance.....!
I'm doing the bathroom in the living quarters of a pub this week and the closest I can get the van is in the pub car park about 100 yards away, had to take 105, 300x450x10mm trav to the house then upstairs to the bathroom! I'm expecting a few aches and pains in the morning.
I just finished my ensuite in 12mm 450 x 300 cappucino marble, when i picked up the first box it felt like there were ten in a box until i checked and it was 5. Must have been resting too much lately.
i use to hate them new 2 storey houses, carrying all tiles up to top floor, not sure if it was borneo blanco by porcelanosa 19 in a box , i needed a *** half way up . lol
I will not allow my son to carry any more than 1 metre at a time - especially when he's got a bag of adhesive on his shoulder and my percolator coffee maker under his other arm.