Tilers Forum Feedback Wanted! - We need your help

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Hi guys and girls.

Need a bit of feedback from you, VIA EMAIL (I'll close this thread) - Send feedback to [email protected] please.

Regulars would have noticed the atmosphere we used to have has pretty much gone. The forum is your forum, and we need to make it whatever it is that you want longterm. So I'd like to get a good feel for what that is so I can do what's possible to change all that is required here.

So send me some suggestions, and give me some constructive criticism about what's going on.

I'd like to know what forum categories are not working for you, what forum categories are most valuable to you.
What the usergroup tier system is doing for you, does that need changing?

Training area has always been a biggy, should we change it? Keep it? Remove it?

Should we give an access-only area to DIYers? And just have a few trusted members in there to provide advice to them?

Should we work more with companies to get dedicated technical support for responses to questions about their gear? Perhaps have an admin who physically calls them and responds rather than the confusing 'Member Support Accounts' thing which just hasn't worked at all by the sounds of it.

Anything and everything you can think of, I'd like to hear.

I've done this on the sparky forum over the past couple of weeks and we've made some cool changes, and it's got the atmosphere back. The plumbers had staff changes last night, and their forum changes are coming soon. So this forum wont be left behind. It seems it has come to that time again that we get to every couple of years where we need to clear out the old and bring in the new. Sort out some member accounts for the good, some out to get rid of the bad, and move on with what we've got left and make the place cool again.

Hope you've got my back as I've got yours!!!!

[email protected] please people! Don't post new threads about it. I have managed so far to reply to every single email that has been sent to me within 3 working days! And I had thousands!!!!! 😉 So don't think you wont be unheard. Each of you will get a response, and I hope help contribute to the forum in ways going far behind replying to the odd thread.

Thanks in advance for your help!

YOUR Administration Guy Who Makes The Tea Too
Big thanks for the responses so far. I will reply to you all this week. Had a bit of feedback via PM but they'll get lost in my inbox on the forum. I've created a folder in my mail account where they'll all go into so I can spend an hour or so a day replying and getting into a decent conversation about it all. It's not easy to track via my PM inbox as new members reply to my auto-welcome-pm thing etc So please make sure you're emailing me instead.


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