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TilersForums Rules

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Tilers Forums Forum Rules - Last Updated 08/12/08

Note from Dan & Dave: We aim to make this forum a safe, happy place to find tile information, and to use to chat on to other tile fixers. Though we want to keep this place free from uncontrolled advertising, spam of any type, and any form of miserable member. We've created these rules to help with that. Any contributions made to the forum that effect the running of the forum, the forums resources, or could be seen offensive by anybody will be removed, and as posting on our privately owned forum is a privilege, not a right, we can and may remove posting privileges from the account involved, with or without warning or reasons given.

These rules will be updated as seen necessary to protect the forum and website.

These forum rules are used in conjunction with the forum T&C's which are agreed to when registering an account on the forum.

Explanation of Terms Used Throughout These Rules

PM: Private Message

Forum: The Message Board / Website Generally

Moderator: Volunteer with special privileges to help merge and move posts and remove spam

Administrator: Volunteer with special privileges to help manage the forum and the accounts on it

Owner: Dan

Privacy Policy

Tilers Forums will never give or sell your details including your email address to anybody, no matter what. From time to time we may send you an email even though you have chosen not to receive emails from administrators, but only emails we see as important to the way we run the forum.

From your user control panel you may select to not receive general emails from administrators, and you may also control which emails you get regarding messages sent from other users, moderators, and about your thread subscriptions.

To protect the forum and its members, we have disabled the forums' 'email from the forum' system. The forum management and the moderators also have the right and ability to read private messages sent to and from your account, and all erased private messages get stored for three years.


The public report most abuse on the forum by using the contact us link at the bottom of every page on this website, or by using the report post icon within each individual post.

Any abuse report will need a reason, and should include the post number, should the abuse be in the forum contributions.

Please remember that a forum is open discussion and "bad advice" just isn't a good enough reason to remove a contribution. You have the right to reply providing you follow our rules and terms, and everybody is allowed their own opinion. A thread with 100 contributions in it could actually have 100 different opinions, therefore there is a chance that you may find that much of the information isn't to your own opinion, obviously.

Our moderators are moderators and not always Tilers, we can't get involved in researching to see which information is accurate, therefore all contributions are simply considered as opinions.


Post in any category that are seen to be advertising any good, services or companies generally will be removed. No advertising is allowed via the PM system either.

A few examples include providing your own website link to another user if its selling something to offering your chalet in France to a forum 'friend'.

Few exceptions:-

Tilers forums is here to provide free information and advice to Tilers. Providing it's not within your first few posts, we do allow a tiler to advertise him or herself on the forum to the general public, or any type of contractor who would use such a tiler.

We do NOT allow advertising from Tilers who also sell a few tools, etc, as this could be seen to be a person providing TO other Tilers, and not just the general public, therefore such a person should consider signing up to our sponsorship scheme. Second hand tools can be sold in our for sale / wanted forum once you have posted a bit in the main forums first.

Advertising your Services as a Tiler

We don't mind tilers advertising themselves on the forum. However as this forum is community driven we would like you to at least have 10 posts before you do so. This way, you're giving something back to the community as well as possibly gaining something too.

Sponsorship Scheme

To protect our unique sponsorship scheme which allows advertising to our niche viewers, readers and subscribers, we will only provide full details to those requesting it, and not all companies fit the model, so not all companies will receive such information.

Though in general, Tilersforums is paid for by our sponsors. We select our sponsors to ensure their reputable established companies who are trusted to provide such a product/service to Tilers within the UK. Our sponsorship scheme includes many things including advertising on Tilersforums.

Avatars / Images

Please keep your avatars (the picture by your name in your posts) and images within the forum clean. Consider the fact that a young person, even a child, could end up on the forum at some point for whatever reason.


We have a strict 'be nice' rule on Tilers Forums and if you're not nice you're out. Be nice to other members on the forum, there's no need to not be nice, even when replying to a contribution you don't agree to.

Board Helpers

Our moderators and admins don't get paid for their time here. They're great help on the forum and we couldn't run as good as we do without them. They get some special benefit from Dan, and often the sponsors, and they'll often be caught on here during the night, and they're always known to be giving hours of their valuable time to the forum. They're not always Tilers, and they're not always advisors of any type, they're simply here to keep the place happy and to ensure the rules are enforced in a light-hearted manor.

Don't question their actions, they often don't have time to give reasons for their actions when they need to do something, and they certainly don't have time for answering questions about their actions when they do provide a reason.

Anybody found insulting or annoying the moderators in any way shape or form will be removed from the forum and blocked from all of our associated websites, where possible.

Abuse needs to be reported in the correct way, to the forum management as instructed above.

Should you see something on the forum that needs removing, please do not respond or reply to it as you are actually causing more work for the helpers. Please simply report it, then ignore it.

Our moderators / helpers are not here to serve you, the user, in any way at all. They are here to help Dan run the website / forum.

Committee-Like Community

Tilers Forums is run by the members generally speaking. They are the ones that often suggest categories, help choose sponsors, help keep the place tidy. Dan will often ensure that all of our members are getting a good deal from the best companies within their sector of their market, in return for their commitment to the forum.

Individual Forum Category Rules

Any forum category may have rules at the top of that forum, it'll be a thread that's made 'sticky' (stuck to the top of the forum category list of topics), you need to follow these rules to keep your posting privileges.


Do not post copyright content on the forum. All trademarks and logo's are property of their respective owners.

Keeping Threads On-Topic

Tilers Forums wouldn't want to stop you from discussion something. But please discuss only that what the original thread started wanted discussing in a particular thread.

Anything else you want to discuss you need to either find a thread already discussing it, or start a new thread of your own off.

If you ended up thinking about your new thread as a result of reading or contributing to another, perhaps then you want the same contributors to pop-over to your new thread, if so then consider linking to it from the original thread as often the members will be subscribed to it and they'll get a notice to read when they next login to the forum containing your link.


We allow links in signatures and often images too, but only in accounts made by regular contributors to the forum. And only Tilers.

No company providing products and / or services to Tilers should have links or company information in their signatures.


No form of racism in any content is permitted.(period).

No swearing allowed at all ,Even if you asterix **** them out !
New rule added

Advertising your Services as a Tiler

We don't mind tilers advertising themselves on the forum. However as this forum is community driven we would like you to at least have 10 posts before you do so. This way, you're giving something back to the community as well as possibly gaining something too.


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