This is an interesting thread - for sure.
Here in Vancouver I have discussed waterproofing techniques with my local Schulter and Custom Building Products reps on many occasions.
I have read a ton of information over the years, tested my product choices on many projects with great success over the past 7 years.
The simplest fail safe test on them all is the "Idiot Test" this test can track down a whole list of unseen problems.
Set a sample board with your waterproofing and setting materials. These board is key for insuring you have the right materials and grout. Clients can see dried grout colours and
tile spacing first hand. This board can be used for layout and given to the plumbers for working out
tile thickness etc.
Ready mixed thinsets (mastic, glue, etc) as mentioned in the post above needs the moisture to escape to have the product set. Most of our Porclean
tile, ceramics, glass and stone let little if any moisture escape. The other down side is that mold can feed of this product as well as I'm told.
In the shower renovation mentioned above we would have used a non modified thin set to set the
tile over the waterproofing. Mastic (glue) we use for kitchen back splashes on rare occasions and we try not to work with any ready made product as a rule.
With a larger format
tile there is a good chance that the mastic product never cures behind the
tile - also the fact that mould can feed on this type of product is unsettling for me. perhaps these products have been designed differently in your neighborhoods but here in NA I stay well clear of "mastic"
My thoughts...