this may be a good q for gooner has anyone been asked to tile an indoor or outdoor pond for fish? if so are there addys /grouts out there suitable? i ask as a number of places i have visited like museums and large shoppin centred sometimes have these with tiles,,anyone know?
I would have thought that an adhesive that is spec'd for swimming pools would be fine. A lot of ponds are just liners though, so you won't be tiling those :mad2:.
aye i have a pond which is a butyl liner,,wdnt ever consider tiling it,,however large ponds are often render finished,,koi carp look cracking in a brighlty coloured tile pool tho
[ame=]YouTube - Equine Swimming Pool[/ame] no mate not fish but iv'e done a few of these around lambourn !!!:hurray:
Last year I tiled an ornamental outdoor fountain, ( it go a mention in Tile UK mag ) I rendered the walls with sand/ cement + waterproof additive. Then used Dural WP tanking membrane. Mapei keraquick and latex plus. Good result
aqua mate after your render,,did you have to waterproof the render if so what product did you use? im asking as my next pond is going to be a render fisnihed one