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old Leatherface here again, causing trouble as usual. I apologise in advance if my views upset anyone. I would like to make this subject open for discussion...........
I have noticed that there seems to be a distinct lack of input and advice from the guys who run the training courses. This site, through it's members does a lot to promote and recommend various training courses, many of whom are affiliated with this site.
I have checked previous posts and find that some of these guys do not seem to be giving much to the forum in the way of advice when questions are asked.
Why is that ?
If it wasn't for this forum, many of them would not have half as many new trainees. These guys as tile trainers should be fountains of knowledge - lets see them impart some of this on the Forum. This should enrich the Forum and also greaten their reputation - Potential tilers may think " Oh so and so from such and such a course, seems to know what he is talking about, I will book and go on that course."
Who knows some of us Professional tilers may even learn something.
Come on guys - pull your fingers out - give a bit back :wink_smile:

I await the backlash, however on this point I will stand by my views !!!
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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I tell you what though mate. Looking at the benefits you can get by helping the forums. Darren inputs in the forums when he can and look at the amount of people who book on his courses, not a direct reason, but being active on here as a centre owner can help get the centre business and I think that's obvious enough to most.

It's probably part of the reason Concept and I have to browse through so many dodgy looking posts spending time erasing the right ones. Referring to those who run a centre and register themselves as if they are a trainee and brag about the centre to get business ;) you know who you are! We're watching you! :p


I agree Dan,
Just look at it this way - Darren has replied to this post and agrees with my comments -since he has posted numerous bits of advice on various topics - all good.
This will without a doubt benefit his reputation and also help Forum members.
If all the other guys who ran courses did the same, just think how much more enriched this Forum would be ?
It would also be good for all to see, what kind of advice these guys are giving - first hand - this would also prove if they are up to scratch !!!
It is fine for a new member this Forum who has just been on a course to say that "so and so, from such and such a course teaches you well" - BUT how would a totally untrained tiler be able to separate good advice or good training from bad ? I very much doubt it.
You said that they do enough by pointing people in the direction of this Forum. Also you could then say that as You (Dan) run this Forum, you have no need to give advice either as you run it ?
Surely the guys who run the courses should have more reason to post advice here, than would tilers like myself ?

Caledonian Tiling


I must agree with Leatherface on this, having been on the NE training course
i do lookout for any posts Darren has made as usually clear and specific.

It can only benefit new & experienced tilers as well as this forum if good practices are shared, and as the "training course" instructors are considered to be mentors to a lot
of the people who visit this forum, it can again only enhance the standards and understanding.. So im all for it and its appreciated how tough time constraints are
for these guys.


Caledonian Tiling

I did mean to say, that i know Darren takes a lot of personal emails from
attendees who have completed the course, if he posted more aspects on
this site he could possibly cover in one go instead of replying to say"50"
similiar queeries to his own home email...

Possibly a weekly input on certain topic or issue from the likes of course trainers..?

Just a bit of feedback & suggestion, again the time and effort is always


Caledonian Tiling


I agree and i hope i have put this across correctly as i have referred to Darren primarily as i have attended the course & know how busy he is, my suggestion would possibly reduce his workload and benefit his trainees,with whichever topic was covered, im sure it would also reduce repeated similiar queeries to his personal email.

I hope im explaining my point clearly, as in no way is it a slur on efforts from Darren, &
it would be good to see more from course trainers on here for the same reasons... I hope that clears that up... no offence meant to anyone, its only a suggestion.

Well the microwave is beeping... time for diner...



Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I think in return for the training centres sending members our way to build a good community with, they deserve to send their tilers this way when they need to ask for help, which would lay off pressure for the training centres so they can carry on with their excellent training, and making the centre's staff all spend time on here too often could have a counter-productive outcome in the future due to them not being in the centre progressing it, which is what we need right now in the industry.

And it seems to be working I think, these reputable independent training centres are all pushing the training forward now and we've needed this for years.
This thread hasn't been replied to for 14 days, so replying to this one may not get a response. Post a new thread instead.

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