Tiling payrates for some difficult jobs

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Hi guys, i took some jobs as a contractor for some MC Donald's restaurants but i find it quite hard to price this jobs.
For first let me describe the jobs and i will also add some photos, the resturant floor they use 90x22.5cm tiles wich is in a herringbone pattern and the buildings are made from multiple sections, between each section i have to fit an expansion joint and also a board(same tile) so there are a lot of cuts. The size of the area usually is between 90-150 sqm and they want one board all around the restaurant and one between sections, as an experienced tiler i know that is imposible to make the cuts all around precise with the manual cut machine so what i do is install the tiles more bigger than needed and then measure and mark with the chalk line the boards spaces and cut with a festool tool(with tile blade) so i can get the cuts as good as posible.
In the kitchen area they use the standard 20x20 non slip tiles with grey epoxy grout(also a place where i have to install the joints). This 20x20 tiles usually are 12mm thick, but the problem is that this tiles have metal inside wich is making them nonslip and for example if you have somewhere a 3-4cm pice to cut, you can't cut it with the manual cutter(to mention that i only have profesional tools i have 4 ruby manual cutters difrrent model and sizes i paid for them around 3.5k and i fix a new blade on every new job).
In the kitchen i have to cut the skirting from a 20x20 tiles wich is easy to cut.
There are also some walls where i need to fix a trim all around, but that is just a basic job.
Outside i have to fit brickslip the arrea usually is between 40-80 sqm.
To be mentioned that all the work i have to do for them is on the night time except brickslip wich can be made on the day time and usually i have to book a hotel for each job.
This jobs have just a small amout of time to be made so i have to pay 2 more tilers so we can do the jobs as the graphic says.
How much should i charge them per sqm only for labour for each area restaurant, kitchen and brickslip? Also how much is the labour for asqm of self leveling


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You’ve made a nice job of it, charge a lot!

How long does it take you to do? Then work out how much that needs to be per m2 to get your wages right.
By the sounds of it you have already done a job so work out the time it’s taken you and how much you want to earn and divide it by the meterage?
I’ve done allot of McDonald’s you can cut the herringbone manually and the kitchen tiles too? I used a montolit cutter imo rubi especially the TS range isn’t up to the mark.


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