Discuss Tiling related OCD traits in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.



I got thinking today about the little habits, mannerisms and things I have found myself doing whilst working. I was thinking this whilst I was thoroughly cleaning the back of my van today (I am between jobs at the mo!). I realised that between jobs I always find myself doing this and also re-organising, cleaning and checking my tools. Not really needed, but I do it all the same! The more I thought about it, the more things I realised I do out of habit.

So what things do you find you tend to do regularly whilst working? :)

The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

As above, what is it with pencils...I've had six pencils on a job and can't find one:oops:

In my case Mark I think it is old age, bad eyes, and terrible memory, still glad I don't have to tile for a living.**yawn** I think it's my bed time, I'm sure I went to bed last night, I will wait for the nurse to come she will know, I bet she nicked my bloody pencil too, :prrr::lol:

White Room

In my case Mark I think it is old age, bad eyes, and terrible memory, still glad I don't have to tile for a living.**yawn** I think it's my bed time, I'm sure I went to bed last night, I will wait for the nurse to come she will know, I bet she nicked my bloody pencil too, :prrr::lol:

Are you sure the nurse ain't doing enemas with an HP version :lol:

The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

Have you guys all lost your ears, only one place for a pencil :lol:

When I do all my cuts I tend to stack all the waste neatly, they take up less room and easier for customer to get rid of :thumbsup:

That reminds me of an old joke, and an old mate who used to ask "has anyone got a pencil" to which someone would reply "I've got one here" my mate would then say " you got one ear, how do you keep your glasses on?"

I'll get me coat.:sofahide:


As above, what is it with pencils...I've had six pencils on a job and can't find one:oops:

Thats why I like it when the wife wants a trip to ikea cos I can restock with pencils. I lost two today and I was only putting up 2 shelves. No idea where they go to...


Back of the van always has to be immaculate
Buckets and trowels have to be spotless
invoices have to be stacked in date order in the pocket on the dash
go nuts if anyone leaves bait bags full of wrappers and banana skins in the van
every little thing has to be written in the diary
if van goes less than 1/4 full of fuel i don't like it
If i make ANY mess it has be cleaned up straight away
I dispise being late to a job even if i've been for gear

I think i have a problem!! haha

Sean Kelly

I try and make buckets last as long as possible. They only cost £2 but I could spend 20mins a time cleaning them.
I also spend loads of time sorting out spacers into their correct sizes (I reuse them too).
Regular sort out and cleaning of tool bags (i.e. taking everything out of bags and then putting them back in again).
I cant walk past a skip without looking into it for battens etc.


I'm the opposite of most, I have DCO, disorder compulsive order,I just throw owt anywhere then forget where ive thrown it,I always forget which pocket my pencil or tape is in and forget where I put the tile I have just marked to cut.i spent 20 mins yesterday looking for my bucket trowel,then remembered I'd washed my bucket outside and left my trowel there,to collect on way back from going to my van.

One thing I always do is chew spacers all the time,my dentist rollocks me all the time,I've even walked into her room with one in my mouth before a checkup,it's just habit :)


Hi all, not posted in a while. Here one of my traits, some of you may know where I'm coming from with this... I tend to delay installing the first tile of any job, it's like a nervous excitement, I find myself sowing anything I can to delay this first tile like, remixing adhesive, going to toilet, sharpening pencil. Some of the time it can be as early as 8:30 in the morning of first day on job and I'm ready to stick that first tile with nothing to delay this and I almost feel a bit guilty that I'm about to stick it as I know when I get going , the actual tiling doesn't take too long. Ahh well, there my wee story, sad but true

The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

dropped me phone in a bucket of water once.....:oops:

Me too Andy, but not as unlucky as my mate. He dropped his phone into a portaloo, that was in dire need of emptying.

Another of my quirks, is measuring with a digital laser gismo, getting a reading, and then double checking with my tape. Defeats the object really, must be my age.:lol:

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