tiling svq 2

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Hi iam trying to gain my tiling leval 2.I know tou can get funded in england through train to gain does anybody know if you can get funded in scotland.
Thanks for your reply dave still a little confused looked at the link you sent me and that sounds like you have to be company,i am just a sole trader,looked on train to gain site and they said they dont cover scotland yet is there somwere else i can check.
If your organisation is based in England, we’ll assess your business and help you get the skills and training you need to succeed.
If your business is not based in England we have links below to the information for the rest of the British Isles:

Who can benefit from the training?
Train to Gain works to further the skills of all kinds of people, including:

  • contracted employees (full and part-time)
  • self-employed people
  • volunteers
  • employment agency workers
Can I get funding through Train to Gain?
The best person to answer this and give you detailed information is your independent Business Link Adviser, or college or training provider. They will also be able to suggest other sources of funding for your training.

Train to Gain - Helping Your Business - Eligibility and funding


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