When adding a border into tiling do you go round the full bottom half of the room then add your border or do you still do one wall at a time? got a border job comin gup and not quite sure whats the best way to go?
There is a way around waiting until the next day before tiling above the border,this can be done by cuttingcheap tiles to the same thickness as the border ,inserting these instead of the border(remember its onlt small cuts to keep the tiles apart)and tiling above the border area.Ihope you understand what i mean.Igot this tip from DAVE a long time ago so cant take credit for it,and it works as i have tried it.:grouphug:
i always tile the whole room leaving a strip to take the mosaic supported with tile offcuts. to bed the mosaics i make a steped tool out of upvc cloaking that can be run round the open strip after buttering (the gap) with addy, if you make the step the right size you have the correct depth of addy the mosaic can then be beded in with a epoxy float dead flush with the tiles, use rapid white set and bythe time you have a coffe you can start to grout.time is money