Welcome to the forum.
Have you thought about trying to save about 3/4 months money to cover your bills and once you have that, then advertise and phone like a mad man inorder to build up some jobs, but carefully book them so you have one after the other to do. Also remember to keep the outgoings right down when planning the advertising - Check the free ad websites and papers.
That way it will give you a few months grace and you know your bills are covered.
Also, remember that you will always have your driving licence to fall back on - Very easy to say, very hard to do, and as long as you have a good work ethic, you must find that when the panic sets in you will try even harder to find the work.
I currently work full time doing security and cant wait to be in a situation where i can make the leap over to full time. I know that i have got my security licence, a good history after 12 years in the Royal navy and a very good CV.
Best of luck and remember to let us know how you get on.