TJ - Holiday snaps - Sad or what!

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sad very sad john 😉.

i once watched some lads in lanzarote tiling a floor on my way to the bar,i have never seen a man hit a floor tile so hard with a rubber mallet in my life,must of been the hardest tiles in the world,looked a good job when finished though
ha ha haahaa nice one dan, 2ft! I can't help myself and how do you switch off? I think i got ocd though so that don't help. My boy was eating a bag of crisps the other day up the wrong way with the bottom opened. Honestly my blood starts boiling and I get the twitches :mad2: little things drive me nuts
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I doesn't matter what you do for a living I think you'd do the same. A shopkeeper will look at the layout of a shop and butcher will be critical of a steak in a restaurant. Do you think a gynecologist watches **** thinking 'that looks a bit tatty round the edges?'
I've posted this one's pathetic when we're looking at this stuff, even more so when our subs are now looking for this stuff because of our neurotic pursuit of perfection. My sparky was at a wedding in Mississippi last Fall, and sent this to me. I even have my sparkies trained to look for bad tile work!:yikes:


  • Paul's trip to Miss..jpg
    Paul's trip to Miss..jpg
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I'm just trying to work out whats wrong with the first picture, looks fine to me. Wrong colour grout?
I've a couple of tiler mates. Whenever we're out for a beer with other mates we're banned from talking about anything tiling. After about 4 or 5 pints we can't be stopped. ''have you seen the tiling in the bogs?'', ''have you tried that new addy''.... most of my mates are other trades and they just dont do it. It must be something they put in the adhesives!!


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