Discuss Too Scared To Go Alone, Advice Please in the Australia Tiling Forum area at TilersForums.com.



Hi all, not a big poster on here but have my spells

Basically, I'm 27 and I've been tiling for 7-8 years. I was offered the opportunity to join a plumbing and heating firm 2.5 years ago and re train as a plumber and eventually a gas engineer
I took the job and a hefty wage drop and have been doing all their tiling work for a pittance.
I've now just completed the plumbing qualification and been told by my employer they don't need a gas engineer so aren't willing to carry on my college.
(I only joined for gas) I'm on minimum wage and he won't increase it.
I'm very low on funds now due to the huge wage drop (lost around £15-£20k in last two years with prospect of getting gas) so can't really afford to invest in myself, I.e buy a van and go it alone.

Now I've been chewed up and spat out basically and really want to start making something of myself, I know I made a huge mistake in joining these guys, it would have been worth it for gas but not to end here!

I'd just like to hear from people what they would do in my situation. Ideally I want to go self employed bathroom fitting and all the rest but after this mistake I really can't make another (wife and mortgage to look after)

Thanks all.

Old Mod

I've been in a similar position, the way I handled it was to get my own work thro speaking to anyone and everyone I came across In the building game.
Spoke with joiners (ouch) electricians (eewww) anyone who would listen, jobs can come from the unlikeliest of leads.
Did them In my spare time, eve's and weekends.
Eventually I had enough contacts and phone calls to step away!
It certainly wasn't easy by a long shot, family hated it, I hated it, but it was a necessary evil which became good in the end.
Not saying it should be your choice either, just telling you what I did.
There's normally a few guys on here looking for fixers, keep your eye on the job forum. Tiling Jobs | Find a Tiler
You may we'll find work in your area and recently companies have been asking for people nationwide!
Keep focused and the
Very best of luck!


Thanks, I struggle with side/weekend work to be honest as it's just not possible in my car. Been thinking about a van but I could only afford it through finance which is another overhead and more pressure on getting the jobs in.... Just really feeling defeated at the minute and want to walk out on my current job. Just sick of being under valued and want to prove a point but I know obviously it's not the wisest thing to do....

Old Mod

Thanks, I struggle with side/weekend work to be honest as it's just not possible in my car. Been thinking about a van but I could only afford it through finance which is another overhead and more pressure on getting the jobs in.... Just really feeling defeated at the minute and want to walk out on my current job. Just sick of being under valued and want to prove a point but I know obviously it's not the wisest thing to do....

Why isn't it possible in your car?

I wasn't suggesting u do complete bathroom re-fits just tiling for now, just to get u off the ground.

As upset with work as you are, walking out is probably wrong for a whole host of reasons, your responsibility to your family for one.
Well you don't really need any other reasons do you?

Who do u want to prove a point too Matt?
(Sorry don't know ur name, but thats what it is now :D)
Yourself or those around you?

If it's your wife (u haven't mentioned children)
In my experiance, she's probably the last one that you'll need to prove a point to!
After all she did marry u!

We often underestimate our family sadly, and take them completely for granted.
Then we have the self importance to think to ourselves,
"well they must be disappointed in me! I know I am!"
Quite often we couldn't be further from the truth!

Most importantly talk with her, tell her how you're feeling, if don't do this as a team it'll make this a much harder task.

It's obviously causing you great anxiety Matt, so not meeting it head on will only compound the way you're feeling.

There is ALWAYS a way, take it from someone twice your age and has been exactly where u are now!

But it's gotta start with u my friend, without your belief, it'll be ten times harder!

Use the forum for support, that's what we're here for!
There's guys all round the country that have had your experiance Matt, I actually know a few personally.
Some of us had the support of the forum and some didn't.
I didn't!
Didn't even know such a place existed.
Can tell u one thing tho, those who had the forum, moved ahead much faster!!

I mean look at Cam_Low now, last week he was working in North London, this week the bloody Caymen Isles!

Because of the forum!

So you don't need to feel you're struggling along on your own, I'm sure there'll always someone on here that can spare u 5 mins if need a chat!

.....and there will be those who probably think.......for Christ sake man, do something about it then!

But that's not me! :D

.....well for now anyway. Haha



Thanks, it is Matt by the way.
The "prove a point" comment was more aimed at my current employer, I think I'm walked all over because he knows I won't leave as I'm not in the position to, so walking out would "teach him a lesson" I guess as I know he would struggle without me now.
But a lot of what you said about the family is exactly what I've been going through, the wife is actually trying to talk me into borrowing from her dad to get a van but I'm also very stubborn and hate to ask for help, hence why I'm doing it anonymously here lol. I just really feel stuck.
Really appreciate the advice though.

Old Mod

Thanks, it is Matt by the way.
The "prove a point" comment was more aimed at my current employer, I think I'm walked all over because he knows I won't leave as I'm not in the position to, so walking out would "teach him a lesson" I guess as I know he would struggle without me now.
But a lot of what you said about the family is exactly what I've been going through, the wife is actually trying to talk me into borrowing from her dad to get a van but I'm also very stubborn and hate to ask for help, hence why I'm doing it anonymously here lol. I just really feel stuck.
Really appreciate the advice though.

It's not advice Matt, it's just options!
You always have them, no mater how good or bad, they exist!

Why the heck would u want to prove a point at work?
He clearly doesn't care, and for what he's paying u, you clearly SHOULDN'T care!

And don't for one second allow yourself to use the excuse
"he wouldn't be able to cope without me"
for not moving forward, because believe me, he can cope without u ALL DAY LONG!

The proving of the "point" should be for you and YOU alone!
If proving the point to yourself is going to drive u forwards, then that's what u must use as your goal to a better life!

Ok so that's enough from me now! Haha
Yeah I know, why use a thousand words when one or two will normally do?

Well, cos I can! :D
You not gonna need a super duper van to go subbying , not for starters anyways. My advice would be to sit down with a A4 piece of paper with 2 columns, INs on the left OUTs on the right , from there work out your weekly/monthly needs ( good idea to budget in general life anyway ) and set yourself a target for weekly NET income.
As regards to getting a van your not going to need a huge one to start off subbying. I've gotten by with a suzuki carry for years and that has a small payload , BUT , I can get a good days work in it ( 10m²-15m²) no problem. The only time I struggle is if i have a largish floor to do ( over 15m² ish ) as it weighs a lot more than wall tiles. However i'm lucky that i only do local work which means in that scenario i grab most of tiles day b4 and drop to site on way home. I'd suggest you could pick up a van for £2k-£3k easily at the moment.


Old Mod

What Diggy has said is all true,
But d'u know what, I haven't owned a van since 1990 when it was broken into and completely trashed outside my house!
I've always lived in select areas!:D
Since then I've used cars. My experience is that most tiling firms I've worked for care about one thing, getting yourself and your kit to work, most take responsibility for getting materials to site!
When it comes to the odd private job when u start out, customers I encounter have almost always already bought their tiles.
If your "van" happens to be "off the road at the moment" I've never lost a job because I've asked the client to arrange delivery of adhesive. And besides how much can u use in a day anyway, if u gotta get it daily, get it daily!


Yes I do appreciate it a lot. I'm becoming more positive again at least and I'm going to focus on building a customer base again. I'm in leeds by the way but thanks for the recommendation.
I've been compiling my work portfolio today and coming up with a new business card.
At the minute I'm just so undecided with which direction to take. But once I make my mind up I'm an all or nothing person so I will give it everything I've got.

Thanks for every comment on here, really surprised by the response and it's helped me to see things a bit differently.
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