When you look into the history of the Clintons, it makes you want to baulk, £4.50 for a birthday card, ridiculous…
On a serious note, people don't realise the evil of The Clinton Foundation, and people will say I'm being far fetched when I say "peadophila (Bill), being complicit in the management and running of the Muslim Brotherhood and skimming the money from the charity donations for rebuilding Haiti". Ay funding ISIS and the list goes on it seems. And as for the Bush family, corrupt is an understatement.
These people are just the puppets for the banks and moneymen who run the global economy and can get away with anything they like.
Not saying Trump is the ideal President by any stretch but it looks as thought the working class man/woman (see Brexit) are now making a stand against these profiteering, greedy, manipulative parasites, and guess what, they don't like not having their own way.