Update: Likes Systems Improved

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Takes a while to get it right sometimes lol

There's not a forum better than ours that we can copy off see 😉
Okay, I've tweaked the likes system again.

All of the ratings will leave either a Positive (green) or Neutral (grey) rating now, except "Silly" (the old 'dumb' - which is Red). So those getting bad spelling ratings need not to worry too much.

And we still have the option of giving Widler, I mean any user, a 'Silly' rating where appropriate.

Note that we will get strict with this now we've pointed it out and found it has been abused.

Right now only Julian is banned from using the neg rating, but as he was trying to bring it to our attention (albeit the wrong way - should have just posted a suggestion in the forum updates area like everybody else would have done) , I'll unban him now.

So we'll start a fresh.

Don't neg unless you really mean it. And can stand by it. And it isn't a retaliation because you have been negged. You'll just get banned from negging, and end up keeping all the negs you've received.
#like and #agree


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