My comments in my previous post are made irrelivent by your pictures.............GARY'S sugestion is from wall to wall and cut in.....if you have a few quid spare....instead of putting in raked cuts.......get a strip of " matching (or contrasting!)marble dropped in as a threshold! highlighting the rebate!
One more clarification - could tiler strike a parallel line 30mm (widest part of rake) from door and do a closure joints from there? Or wall to wall line in front of recess as per Gary? My tiler is coming in tomorrow so will need to give him my choice. Surprised he didn't come up with any ideas apart from plastic strip!
Hi jas, can you give me a closer look at pic 4 please, the tile at the top of the pic nearest the wall seems to have a shadow which suggests to me lack of adhesive. I would address this before any other work continues! My point being - it may not be the only one.... I hope I'm sooooo wrong especially considering the tile you have.
I've had another look at the pics and 3 things stick out to me immediately. 1, the screeding looks iffy, 2 layers I'm guessing? big problem on its own 2, lack of overspread on 2 (i think) ...and, 3 the shadow I previously mentioned!
All these factors combined gives me slight concern ...hope I'm wrong!
Has, those pics certainly concern me! Especially the 2nd one! Your tiler back fills, not 100% sure of what he means but going by pic 1 I'm guessing he is going back and filling the voids left when tiling.... 2 issues with this, he can maybe back fill, but you can't front fill or middle fill as you have no access thus no pro tiler would do this! ...hope I'm understanding situation correctly here
You need to be getting as close to 100% coverage on a floor as you can, especially with stone such as marble! .... I'm not seeing this here!