Vote Leave Or Vote Remain?

How will you vote in the EU referendum?

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...Voting to stay in the Eu will completely take away any chance you had as a voter to effect how this country is run as the laws of Europe are decided by the European Commission which is an unelected organisation that decides the road map of where the Eu is going in terms of policies and laws

Gary I admire your passion for this subject but I feel you've been mislead. That video I posted (I've put a link to it below this reply too) is well worth a watch, it's by someone who has spent their career studying EU Law. I know it's long, but if you're short on time, watch from 05 mins 35 seconds onwards for a minute or two.

Especially the part where he says that although majority voting is now generally standard for deciding EU matters, in practice about 90% of EU decisions are formed by consensus (i.e. they discuss and negotiate until every country agrees). Also he mentions that what is known as the "Big Three" (UK, France & Germany) who effectively provide the economic, diplomatic and political leadership of the EU.

"Virtually nothing happens in the EU without the "Big Three" being in control of it".

I realise your mind might already be a closed book on this subject but I really urge you to watch the video and if you still feel that the information you've found is more reliable than this academic, I totally respect your decision to vote that way.

Does the guy in the video say anything about Eastern Europeon ghettos springing up allover the place? Does he say anything about cheap labour? Does he say anything about undercutting U.K workers? Enough is enough! The infrastructure of the country (hospitals, doctors surgeries, schools and roads etc) cannot take the levels of migration any longer! We have enough of our own scumbags here, without importing a seemingly endless flow of other countries undesirables.
O U T!!!
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The poll says enough for most i think. We have had enough of the scaremongering of the in crowd. We no longer fall for it. We will prosper out, we will grow out, we will have control out, Europe will also do all of these things as well. It's a no brainer.
Does the guy in the video say anything about Eastern Europeon ghettos springing up allover the place? Does he say anything about cheap labour? Does he say anything about undercutting U.K workers? Enough is enough! The infrastructure of the country (hospitals, doctors surgeries, schools and roads etc) cannot take the levels of migration any longer! We have enough of our own scumbags here, without importing a seemingly endless flow of other countries undesirables.
O U T!!!

Where do you get this info from mma?
HMRC data shows that, for example, between 2000-2011 immigrants from the EU made a NET CONTRIBUTION to our finances of £20billion. In other words, they contributed £20billion MORE in taxes than they took in social/welfare payments.
To be more specific, the Eastern European migrants that you mentioned contributed £5 billion MORE in taxes than they took in social/welfare payments.

So the pressure on public services doesn't come from these immigrants, it comes from government cuts to these services. After all, the taxman is collecting more money as a result from migrants, so there should be enough for the government to cover the public services!

[As a side fact, an economic study from 2014 showed that 25% of Eastern European immigrants had degree level educations, as compared to 24% of UK nationals.]

[Another bonus fact: the study also showed that immigrants who arrived since 2000 were 43% less likely than natives to receive state benefits or tax credits. They were also 7% less likely to live in social housing.]

I know you won't believe anything I tell you, but why not check the facts for yourself?
Facts from both sides of the argument are discussed here:
FactCheck: everything you need to know about EU immigration

And the original academic study is here:
Positive economic impact of UK immigration from the European Union: new evidence
I should also add that the guy in the video makes it very clear that he doesn't think the EU is perfect by any means.

But he does make it very clear that both sides are using misleading information
"dishonesty on an industrial scale"
I should also add that the guy in the video makes it very clear that he doesn't think the EU is perfect by any means.

But he does make it very clear that both sides are using misleading information
"dishonesty on an industrial scale"
they come here as cheep labour under cutting you and me working for min wage. ive lost several jobs to these cheep skates from Poland and Latvia that's why the establishment wants us to stay as for your academic most unis get eu grants to sweetheart them but its our money that's gone to Brussels and we get some back with strings attached
and your delusional if you think the French and Germans consult us they want to rob us look at how many utility companys are owned by the French and Germans
we contribute far more to the eu than what people realise . anti dumping duties on tiles .natural stone . steel
and I am sure several other industries these stealth taxes aren't included on the data about how much we pay into the eu as they go directed to brussels


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