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Any1 thats ordered buisness cards off Vi**a .co.uk, check your bank statements to make sure your not being charged £9.95 a month for their Vprewards scheme.Do a google search on it. Been stung by it. Used them a few times and had no probs (apart from junk e-mail) but they've just started taking money from my bank account for a non existing subscription.:furious3: Just to let use know.
They have a bad rep for thos sort of thing......was just talking to a colleague about it earlier on t/nite.....i was recommending a comp i used for cards and vista cropped up..........make sure you get that order stopped,,,,dowt if you will get owt back tho....
Stopped it last nightt when i checked my statement.Phoned them up and ask them to cancel it as i hadn't subscribed and wanted my money back. Person i spoke to was called Delroy(saying to maself this is a windup) Said i would get e-mail within 48hrs to confirm this. Well see.
You did the right thing........I wonder how many other peps are drawn into this .....????
I used vistaprint for my cards and luckily had no probs. Will be mindfull in future now though, thanks for the heads up Saltire.
When covering business cards on the course, this is one company i tell people to avoid as i have heard this scam going on since last year. You may find it hard to stop the debits as another one normally starts up
Be carefull
Thanks for the warning folks,i keep getting e-mails from them with lots of special offers like free cards,letterheads and even t-shirts..so will avoid,further anyone wanting anything like this get in touch with devonmark who will sort you out..
thanks for the jeads up saltire. i'll check. can i ask , i recently bought cards from them. didnt give them any bank details other than card number. are they able to set up a subscription from this or did you give them more info?? thanks :thumbsup:
Search their website and opt out of the item. I did and so far had no probs other than an email now and again.
i was stung by this too, 6 months b4 i realised, i spoke to them & i got all my money back off them as i played thick & stupid !

(no change there then).....................:stupid:


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