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okay ,he is a devious so and so Neale

Yes Gary , we know and trust me you havent seen 90% of the stuff he has posted as we have him filtered quite nicely but as you say, he is devious so we make know apology for being suspicious at newcomers.
We do as many checks as we can possibly do and like I say we have caught him out mostly on his 1st postings.


From Mike or Werner ?
On checking Werners email address it seems genuine and threw up a few more posts on PC forums asking for help relating to mouse and keyboard issues, these go back a few years and never seemed to be nasty. Further more the broken/ bad english grammar is the same.

From Mike, but confirming that it is him doing the "chap" thread.


I would think that Mike is saying that Werner is him because its an odd thread and in an open forum. He would like Werner to get banned and then he has destroyed someone ele.
So until Werner over steps the mark he stays, afterall we put up with some odd ball comments from a few other members such as Mr Tea Bag !

If I am wrong then I will admit it but given a few leads I have done some homework while I sit here and checked Werner out in a few ways available . I am satisfied at the moment.

Deleted member 9966

He sent Dan emails saying much the same thing Ali but the truth is, Admin and Mods had been discussing removing tags well in advance of the date they were removed. Mike tried to send email to the feedback email address suggesting to remove the tags in the days leading up to when the tags were removed, however Neale the eagle eye checked out the email addresses and sussed out if was Mike The Troll. Mike just likes to think he's in control and pulling the strings, but he's not. He just happened to talk about the tags at the same time we removed them. He thinks it was all his idea but it wasn't. He's a moron and obviously hasn't got enough work in his life to occupy him. He's very clever as he seems to know his rights when it comes to trolling and internet abuse, and Swedish law isn't as strict about it, so just remember to not feed him and report any threats against you or your family to police.


he is a loser , lives in the middle of no where and has no friends , it grates him the fact we all get along on the forum, dont be fooled by him he is not a tiler he put up a picture of one of my jobs on his web site thinking it would bother me then took it down the following day, i emailed him asking to put it back up as all his photos were **** lol
whats his website gary.
does he really live in french guyana

Reply to Werner in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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