Wet room tile backer board installation - Tilers Forums: Tilers Community

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Wet room tile backer board installation - Tilers Forums
Wet room tile backer board installation

Hi, i'm new to this forum but looks to be great advice. Just getting to the end of a long build & working on a wet room, budget not the same as I started with but want to do a good job. I've not used tile backer boards before so a few, perhaps obvious questions, sorry if you've answered these before😊.

Heading to using Jackoboard Plano on the stud walls has good recommendations from you all -most likely use large format tiles on top having read it has good load bearing strength. OK?
20mm board at 600 centres, 12.5 at 300 mm centres - will need extra studwork but needs to be properly supported. No PB, direct onto the wood studs. A few questions please as I only want to do this job once 😊

1) will a 2x2 timber be enough edge bearing for adjacent boards -so approx 1" bearing? I don't want to break out the board edges with the screws/ washers.
2) joining boards- will Jackobond board fix with their self adhesive tape over the...

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