What make of spirit levels do you use...??

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Fisco only. Very reliable and accurate.
Also find that the bubble is larger and nearly touches the line either side when level, unlike stabila !!
no prob dave av a look at fisco a stabila rep told me how good they were :8:

I do have a fisco contructor level..had it for years...but i find the stabila box ones just as accurate as well.....personal choice really pete..i have tried lots of rubbish levels over the years but fisco and stabila are the ones for me.....
My local builders merchants sell Fisco levels with a free padded carrying case ......

Would make a nice christmas present for the Missus !!!
Question ....

Do all the newbies here know how to check their level for accuracy ????
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most of them are rubbish Dave most of the shop fitters i work with cant use my level i confuses them when the bubble moves they are only used to fixed bubbles
Stabila for me,but do have a 4ft rubi which has adjustable screws on each side of the bubble for occasional re-calibration......Gaz
When i first bought all my tools my dad said "you still got the recipt?" after looking at my levels i had bought. Took em back and got a set of stabilas
AMI Grumpy never seen them mate
it's an Australian make. Saw them when I did my training, and just happen to be able to get them from a local supplier in my area. Not cheap mind, my 900mm level cost me £47. Here is a link to SItebox [DLMURL]http://www.sitebox.ltd.uk/proddetail-sv9am060-ami-spirit-levels.html[/DLMURL]


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