What we all up to today?

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The old mans probably thought of having a go himself.

Jealous Andy. The weather looks like it's going to be miserable here allday. Suits me though. Got to get the larder fridge and freezer to install today. Going to be sweating enough lifting them in and out of their units on my own as it is. Without el scorchio beaming through the window!
priced a nice job today got it straight away: 60 meter floor in 600 600 PORCELAINE .40 METERS OF WALL TILING 600 300 PORCELAINE .CLIENT IS THE ARCHITECT ON OUR SITE AND LIKED MY WORK WAAAAAAHAAA
Off today, flying to Spain at 07.30 tomorrow, family illness, a week or so over there ( dependant on recovery ) then back to the slog, school revamp in Canary Wharf, been there nearly 3 weeks, torturous drive in and out.
just back from work. Did some mosaics in the shower, and stone tiles ( came from Madagascar) hand made 100x100 and 200x200. Later tonight going cinema with my son to watch "fast and furious 6" :hurray:😛rrr:
Off today, flying to Spain at 07.30 tomorrow, family illness, a week or so over there ( dependant on recovery ) then back to the slog, school revamp in Canary Wharf, been there nearly 3 weeks, torturous drive in and out.

Sorry to hear that Alan. Hope for a speedy recovery.

Oh , and good to see you AliGage :thumbsup:, i'm back :30:

Welcome back fella :thumbup:

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