460.10. im not as bad as i thought i was.
what comes after Homer ?:lol:460.10. im not as bad as i thought i was.
Gisela:yikes::yikes: you mean you've peed in a swimming pool!!:lol:
lol, are you an Edith Piaf fan Gisela, I wonder what her fine would've been:lol:Yes... I think we all did when we were little girls, little girls just can't help it! :lol: What's your excuse, boys? And the kissing Mr Dishy Noname was good, too, and the.... and that.... oh and that, really good, too... :lol: nooooo, je ne regret de rien..... rien rien rien... :lol:
Should I blush? oh ok,...😳 there.
lol, are you an Edith Piaf fan Gisela, I wonder what her fine would've been:lol: