What's so good about BAL?

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Don't beleive the hype mate

Think firstly this may be down to availability in certain areas. Where I come from Bal is only available at Topps Tiles. Most of the tilers I know will not buy it because it is too expensive compared to other brands which in my and their opinion are equally as good ( if not better)
I have used Mapei products from day 1 - never had a problem, very easy and pleasant to use. Reliable and cheaper than Bal in my area.

How about Mapei Keraquick - Grey flexi - cement based - £13.70 per 25 kg bag , incl VAT.
Mapie Mapeker - Non flexible Rapid set ( but suitable for porceain ) - £12.00 per bag incl VAT.
I buy from an independent tile supplier and they told me that bal will only allow a 20% dicount on there material while others like biscem will give you 40% to trade, You either want to sell your product or you don't, We all have a choice
I think some one is telling you porkies, I get 34% discount on my BAL purchases and I have only been trading for 9 months!

I can't see why Bal would be bothered what discount a shop would give on their product to the customer as Bal would be selling their products to the actual shop at a set rate anyway.. I would of thought, so a higher discount from the shop to customer is only going to shift more Bal gear in the long run.
According to a BAL rep....CTD are the biggest supplier of BAL products....Topps do sell BAL products but they also sell there own brands so they don't sell the quantity of BAL products thats CTD do...:thumbsup:

I've been out of the game a bit but I still think the BAL reps would tell you Topps account with BAL is nearly twice that of the next account. I'll see what true info I can find to correct us (probably me lol).

I know Topps buy some if their tiles from CTD (or used to - again been out of the game for a bit - Gaz will correct me if I'm wrong there) but on the adhesives front I'm pretty sure it's in Topps' best interest to push BAL as they get a kick back based on qty over the financial year. And unless topps got a their own stuff a shed load cheaper it would be bad business to loose those kick backs as they have the best chance to get the best amount from BAL - providing they shift the gear, and they do/would.

Who makes Topps own gear then?

All i know is wot the reps say but they could be just keeping each one sweet.:lol:

As for topps gears manufacturer..pass i never use there gear.... a lot of comps seem to re-brand in there own name....some use granfix and some use ultra .. maybe gaz can enlighten us on this one......

gaz will tell you that Dan think its palace chemicals

I think I stand corrected on this one people. It's getting to the stage now where my inside info is out of date :furious3:

It seems Topps sell their own brand pretty well.... which is made by Palace you're right PJ. Therefore CTD probably are BAL's big account. I wonder what would happen if CTD dropped BAL - I bet CTD got every penny they can off BAL based on that fact then. I remember the topps top blokes used to say they'd never have anybody but BAL. How times change hey.
Who makes topps own brand, a store in brum told me it was bal ?????????
:thumbsdown: :thumbsup:

Gaz and PJC are right - it's Palace Chem's.

I've never had the pleasure of working with palace stuff though I remember my old gaffa used to say it wasn't up to much - but he did work for BAL for years.
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I think out of all the brands I have tride bal are the best, sticks to the wall and gives you time to work before it goes off!

But if you are on a budget its a bit more of your cash than others.


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