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To sack someone? My magnet bum apprentice has to go...he started out great, but then just started to slow down and now we are at a dead stop situation. I have already spoken with him, he put an effort in for a couple of days but we are back to square one. He just doesn't seem to want to learn. I hate this kind of thing, as usual its been left to me to give him the push...:thumbsdown:

Its like carrying a dead weight, and the weight is on my shoulders...yet again.



Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Love your late night threads. Well, normally. Perhaps not so much this one.

I'm afraid the only thing to do is grab the issue by the nuts and sort it sooner rather than later.

Had to lay off my brother a couple of months ago. Then I layed off the Mrs about 6 weeks ago. Then the fling a couple of weeks ago. Non of them were easy but I was pleased when I'd done them.

Do the old "it's not you it's me" line?

On a serious note, sooner rather than later will be best for you both. And say you've tried and there's not much more you can do. Let him know you'll do him a good reference. And there's not actually much more you can do. If they're switched on enough perhaps try to explain a bit about how the business side of it works and that if he's not cutting the mustard he's not worth the actual wage and other trades are carrying him and yada yada - but I'm guessing they're not if they've not already realised that themselves and are happy to just plod.

Plodders don't change easy I've found. Best just get it out of the way ASAP.

Anyway, you're hardcore you'll handle this.


Thanks Dan, your right about the late night threads, its my own fault, I finish up work, have a bowl of soup and crash out!!! Then around 10pm I am ready to go!

I think personally I have left it to late, the lads wanted rid a couple of months ago, I have only myself to blame this time. I thought because he has a baby to support, he would really knuckle down, and he did to start, but now we are at a standstill again! And there is one other thing...he stinks!! I mean he really stinks! I dont think he has been near a shower or clean water for three weeks. Its got to be bad when everyone is commenting about it.

OK I will do the deed tomorrow, I don't think I can tell him about the fact that he smells though..I wouldn't know what to tell him on that front!



Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Nooooo that's a problem for his Mrs or Mum or whatever. Not his gaffa.

Let him know he's been helpful when in full steam but the steam goes too fast and that you just need somebody to chip in better and just can't let the other lads carry him anymore. And end of really there's not much more to say as Mark says.

Then have a brew, blink, forget about, and move on.

White Room

Thanks Dan, your right about the late night threads, its my own fault, I finish up work, have a bowl of soup and crash out!!! Then around 10pm I am ready to go!

I think personally I have left it to late, the lads wanted rid a couple of months ago, I have only myself to blame this time. I thought because he has a baby to support, he would really knuckle down, and he did to start, but now we are at a standstill again! And there is one other thing...he stinks!! I mean he really stinks! I dont think he has been near a shower or clean water for three weeks. Its got to be bad when everyone is commenting about it.

OK I will do the deed tomorrow, I don't think I can tell him about the fact that he smells though..I wouldn't know what to tell him on that front!


It's funny you should say that, my Dad used run a small engineering unit and he had to tell a guy he smelt, others working there had made comments about odours...never found what he said but had to be done.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK

There was a guy at a tile shop I used to work at that had reaaaally bad teeth and horrible breath. And as it's retail, it was a bit offputting for customers who were near him let alone dealing with him. Manager had to tell him brush his teeth and he made a point of brushing them in work quite a bit for a while but fell back into being stinky again. Got moved to another store I think after I left. He did find a lass eventually though and apparently he did clean up his act for her (or because she told him to maybe). Either way. Not something I'd like to tell somebody!


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
On the flip side of that type of story I helped a mate move house the other day and told him he stunk of BO and he said f-off it's you! - Smelt myself and it was! haha - Mates for you though, they'll tell you before it's a problem haha Quick squirt, two more loads moved, and soaked in the shower for half hour lol

Did I just say that out loud? lol


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
To be fair I don't usually stink at all. I can sweat a lot and still not stink. I think the old age is kicking in now and whatever was going on when I was younger has come to an end. My feet never stink either. Love a morning shower even if I'd had a bath at night though so perhaps just super clean usually. But I was shocked when I stunk I'm not used to it being me. Felt a bit minging. Whoops.

Deleted member 9966

If you've had this guy on your books for less than 2 years, you can sack him with no comeback regarding unfair dismissal. Just make sure there's nothing that would allow him to raise a discrimination claim i.e. disability, religious beliefs etc.

If he's an apprentice, with an approved apprenticeship agreement detailing the following:

a. It must specify that the apprentice must undertake to work for the employer under the agreement;

b. The agreement must be either a written statement of terms and conditions in accordance with section 1 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 or a written contract of employment or letter of engagement meeting the requirements of section 1 of the Employment Rights Act 1996;

c. It must state that it is governed by the law of England and Wales; and

d. It must state that is entered into in connection with a qualifying apprenticeship framework.

then you should have no problems getting rid of him Lynn. Unfortunately back in July my employers were in a situation where all of this wasn't the case and our employment lawyers told us quite categorically it was high risk if we sacked our apprentice. We sacked him anyway, it was a risk worth taking because the guy was taking the absolute pee.

Just hold a meeting, keep it short and sweet and pay him till the end of the week. I'm guessing he'll probably be relieved.


i wouldnt carry him any longer pebbs,you have given him a number of chances by the sounds of it...sounds like the majority of britains youth imo lazy and unemployable

they seem to think that a job means you just show up and stand still..really gets on my nerves

im straight to the point with any lads that come on board now the minute they start gettin lax they are out

Colour Republic

I've been let down by 3 guys this week alone, ok 1 of them has a sick note as he got stabbed in the face at the weekend so he's forgiven but the other 2 are gonna have a shock when I drop their daily rate for 2 weeks as punishment. It costs me every time I plan for them to be there and they're not, so **** em, take it or leave it.

lynn I'm in a ****ed off mood at the moment, so I'll give your guy the bad news if you want?

Time's Ran Out

As an apprentice he may receive more in state benefits than by having to 'work' for it!
If he's not pulling his weight he has to go or it will cause resentment within the rest of the workforce.
As for the odour - it could be a factor in his lack of enthusiasm if it's been brought to his attention by site humour!
Personally I've found 'Sure' to be very effective as some deodorants tend to make the issue worse.
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