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Sean Kelly

Where would you park?
As you can see, I got a ticket for which I am appealing.
I do have a blue badge for my Daughter and my car is in a disabled bay.
The ticket was issued because I was not parked correctly within the markings of a bay or space!


John Benton

if u parked within marked space how u gonna get out of the car?:incazzato:

I suspect that the car next to it got a ticket as well. I think the reason why they want you to park to one side of the bay is so that if you are a disabled driver or passenger, whether you drive forward or reverse into the space you can open either 2 or all 4 doors without hitting another vehicle and also enabling the passengers to get out easily.

So they are well within their rights to issue a ticket!!!

Not really, it is only a jobs-worth being pedantic. I would write a letter of apology and I'm sure you will get a warning and a little slap on the wrist, not to do it again

Oh, and tell them to mark their bays correctly, I have a feeling that to issue tickets bays have to be marked correctly to the letter of the law, and that does not spell DISABLED correctly!!!
Ive been nicked parking in a nettos car pak only popped in to get a box of tea bags it was not a pay & display but still got a ticket for having the front wheel over the line into the next bay it was a private company ,she said they were nicking people for doing just this because it will stop someone parking in the next bay and the supermarket could lose custom never did pay it got about four letters from them the fine doubled up each time just binned it and they never got my custom again.

Colour Republic

I suspect that the car next to it got a ticket as well. I think the reason why they want you to park to one side of the bay is so that if you are a disabled driver or passenger, whether you drive forward or reverse into the space you can open either 2 or all 4 doors without hitting another vehicle and also enabling the passengers to get out easily.

So they are well within their rights to issue a ticket!!!

Not really, it is only a jobs-worth being pedantic

That's the problem, it's a nanny state. Just leave disabled bays wider and then the driver can chose which side he wants to park depending on disabled access needed on the near or off side or even both sides, the council don't need to draw boxes forcing the driver to have to drive head in or reverse to suit some jobs worth who came up with the idea in order to keep a non job

Alan M

i think the way these boxs work is that you park all the way to one side (in the box) and leave 3-4 feet on the other side. the next car does the same so now there is a 3-4 foot on both sides of your car . so you have full axcess all around.
this works all the way down the row of cars.
if you let people park where ever they wanted in the space then no body would have space.
if the car next to you parks properly (by the theory anyway) and you come in and park in the midle or which ever way suits your car or situation. then they cant get in or out properly.
you are 100% wrong the way you parked but its not your fault.
the council (or whos in charge) should have it marked properly and have signs showing how to do it properly.
i would fight it on the grounds that the markings were bad and no explination of the system was there.

i dont like this system. its open to issues like this.
i would rather if you had a box for your car (marked in one colour ) and a dotted line all around out a few feet , like those ghost islands or walk ways in factories.
that way it is obvious where you park and where you walk.

Sean Kelly

This is what I wrote & sent yesterday. Will let you know the outcome....................

Dear Sir/Madam,
I received the above PCN yesterday afternoon. I parked
my car equidistant from the two adjacent cars to mine. I
could fully open all doors of my car and there was a
good clearance with several inches to spare on both
sides. I was able to lift out my disabled Daughter from
the rear nearside of my vehicle. I reversed into the
space, and I guess this is why I missed lining up the car
to the actual white lines. I would no way park illegally or
irresponsibly within a disabled parking bay. I was just so
pleased when I saw that the space had become
available as I was driving away from the parking area. I
was very distressed when I found that a PCN had been
issued. These bays are very wide and gave me a false
sense that I had parked legally. I must also say that the
markings on the ground defining the bay are a little
faded and confusing. I am very sorry if I had caused
inconsideration to other disabled people and hope that
this offence can count as a warning to me.

Sean Kelly

How do I know you didn't move your car then take the photo - because it looks ok to me.

Just asking:smilewinkgrin:

John, the photo was from the warden. Modern technology means that when you log onto the council parking website and input your car reg and PCN number you get all the photo's taken by the warden (about 6 photos!!)

Time's Ran Out

John, the photo was from the warden. Modern technology means that when you log onto the council parking website and input your car reg and PCN number you get all the photo's taken by the warden (about 6 photos!!)

Now I understand - you see I've never had a parking ticket!!!
And as for Modern technology are you suggesting I'am out of touch with the real world:smilewinkgrin: possibly correct.
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