epoxy pete
you say accreditation....it all well and good getting a certificate at the end of a course,saying blah blah blah etc...or whatever it is they do,i for one cannot see how you are competant and exp after such a short time,intensive training 1 on 1 basis or in a group class,its not real on the job experience,that is only gained by being out there doing it,i have read many posts on here from new guys,wanting to set up on there own, just after coming of a course.... do the people who run these projects tell them this as part of the "training"??, its easy,good money,lots of work,maybe some of these guys are throwing good money away ?,we all had to start somewhere,but, i personally feel we should go the australian way and be licensed and have a proven work track record,i joined the tile fixers assoc,had to supply refs,previous contract details etc etc,this keeps out the cowboys and ensures a good quality of fixers are out there in the field,doing a quality job,first time with the knowledge and exp gained,customers are safe in the knowledge they are getting a good job by someone with the knowledge and exp behind them!.tiling in a classroom isnt exp in my opinion.....