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Nothing on for me today, so went delivering leaflets. 4 hours and nearly 600 leaflets later a woman comes chasing after me in the street, could I have a look at her kitchen splashback now as she has been let down. She makes me coffee and while we are chatting I am looking at the work out of the corner of my eye and thinking about 4m2, reasonably straight forward, no windows, L-shaped, two walls, thinking about £190. So start measuring and she is explaining that tiler just hasn't turned up twice and rang yesterday morning to say he couldn't do it for about six weeks, so she told him not to bother. Then she says ' the thing is you think he would be keen, I mean just under £500 and he said it would only take him a couple of days' ......!!!!!!!!!! lol. Quoted her £430, told her I would juggle a job and fit her in Friday, took £50 cash deposit !............... A fluke I know, but I dont care, so I am going down the real pub to boast lol :8: ........now if only that would happen every day :hurray:
Well done.

More proof sitting and waiting for the phone to ring is the wrong thing to be doing. Get yourself out there you tilers with not much work on! There's more to be doing than waiting for the calls.

I used to forward my landlines (actually 0800's which were forwarded to the landlines) to my mobile whilst I was out delivering or dealing with customers etc.
Go one further by handing back a oner at the end of the job and explaining that it didn't actually take as long as you first thought, I can guarantee that this will not only make you feel all warm and cuddly inside but will also generate more work by your good lady client spreading the news that she's finally come across a good honest tradesman ,She may even insist you keep the extra as a tip anyway :yes:

Word of Mouth is the most powerfull form of advertising and will also help you cut down on the amount of time you end up pounding the streets:thumbsup:
No shame in profit i agree but i see this as no difference to those "builders from hell" programmes.
Just my opinion.
Well done get out there.

600 leaflets is hard graft

The harder you work the luckier you get. Its like today I went into London to visit AMEC construction. They are a long-term slow burn but I keep going and seeing them.

But on route I stopped into Cheshunt tiles and dropped flyers. They are interested.
i priced a job last week told the customer it would be £875.00 oh thats great he said ive got 2 grand put aside thats what he thought it would cost so has he ripped me off ?
There's 2 ways to look at it.

£430 for 4 sqm splashback at £100 psqm yeah is a brilliant earner and you'd be quids in for a days work, but all it takes is the customer while happy with the work and cost, only has to mention it to someone with the slightest bit of sense for them to tell them they have been ripped off to a spectacular degree, and bang goes any recomendations, which in turn could lose you thousands in the long run through being labled a rip off.

While it would be tempting to take a job at this price I don't think I would like to risk loosing so much protential business through making a quick killing, but each to their own.


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