Discuss Would YOU Write and Article for TilersForums for Money? in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
What sort of topics? Product reviews type of thing.

I'd probably list topics, or have a list, that we all contribute to, and then also pick topics from. Once one's done, we cross it off. If we think of one that's needed, we add it to the list. There's also a lot of old topics that are decent but not quite article-worthy, that I'd like rewritten and updated, such as the PVA v Primer thread for example.

Mostly NOT product reviews though. I guy should have a product for reviewing it. And that's payment for a favour there. We should have that well in place by now but don't. That's something I need to work on.

I could write a book Dan.:lol:

I'm thinking I'd pay per article, nothing huge, but if you could write a book's worth, I'm sure you'd do well out of it. :D :D

I was thinking to start it off, perhaps £20 for a medium sized article with a couple of pictures in it.

And I was thinking of getting all article submissions scanned over by a copyrighter who would correct grammar and whatnot.

I think if I could get 30 articles written a month by 15 guys, it should be easy for the guys, and really really valuable for the industry.

I was even thinking of letting those who write the articles have a forum category we submit them to, so that after an article is written, each of the others can contribute to it, and make it a huge collective thing. So each article has a load of views, and has been effectively vetted for accuracy by MANY.


I would happily offer articles about Gypsol anhydrite screed and tiling to it etc. I have written quite a few in the past for the likes of the contract flooring association and concrete society magazine etc. I would not take a payment for them though as I would do them as part of my ongoing crusade to get anhydrite accepted by the tiling fraternity. Payment would present me with a potential conflict of interest


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
nope, when a valued hobby becomes a business venture the appeal leaves imo.

I wouldn't call it a business venture.

There are some awesome forums out there, that have an articles section, and they pay members from time to time to make sure what's new in their industry has an article written about it.

If we're THE forum for tile. I think we need a large selection of articles to browse through, and then discussion can take place from there on in.

Thought it'd be an awesome idea myself. I have offers from article writers weekly and ask them to write an example from time to time and the copy-and-paste shyte they come up with is ridiculous I'm surprised they manage to get paid by people. I thought if I wanted some for the forum, the best people to ask, are you guys.

I would happily offer articles about Gypsol anhydrite screed and tiling to it etc. I have written quite a few in the past for the likes of the contract flooring association and concrete society magazine etc. I would not take a payment for them though as I would do them as part of my ongoing crusade to get anhydrite accepted by the tiling fraternity. Payment would present me with a potential conflict of interest

Then I'll not pay you for them. lol

Joke, credit where credit is due mate, thank you. I'd make sure you get looked after if you ever need any tiles or tools in the future that's for sure.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Okay. I'm going to make a forum and grant you access to it where we can discuss this and give some articles some thought.

Just to confirm, can you give me a shout if you're in?

And just to note, I will be paying you for them. The articles will bring traffic to the forum, and I get paid based on the traffic, so I'm not going to take the p1ss and not pay you for them. They'll be earning me a little bit of cash. So I'll share that with you.

I'd like to end up with a couple of people doing articles part-time for me, so there's scope for a permanent part-time job for a couple of you there. I know Phil's knee's could do with some time off, he's done his fair share of tiling now. Let the man get a bit of cash out of writing about that from here on. lol

Reply to Would YOU Write and Article for TilersForums for Money? in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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