Wow just seen----

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a pair of redwing's scratching about in the back garden,they are the smallest of our thrushes ,and hail from north-west Scotland but are originally from Scandinavia why are they so far down here?? my be no food in Scotland/snow ??:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: result
we see them regularly over the years in this area mostly around the ploughed fields in Marlow Bucks a frend of mine in high wycombe gets them in his garden to
your probably right about the snow gooner,my 2 birdfeeder are getting filled every day at the moment,there great and blue **** and the odd robin lining up with the squirrels to get into them!
I saw a redwing, too, this morning, tiny little thing, at least I think it was, picking from our Alder tree, never seen it here before...
nice one PJ C I HAD TWO PAIRS hopping about in the end, they were having a bit of a stand off with my pair of blackbird's as well . if anyone reads this PLEASE PLEASE FEED YOUR BIRDS it very hard for them at the mo,and you can bring beautiful birds to your gardens!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
I stomp out there every morning, :lol:, pjamas, wellies, and coat, to feed them, they like the left over cat food, too! I am hoping to grow into one of those eccentric old ladies, sitting in the garden, laptop insted of knitting, with birds sitting on her shoulder...when the cat's asleep, witing for the grout of my latest mosaic commission to dry. Yes, my idea of success. :lol: Sorry, where were we? Oh yes, birds...
Cats scare the birds off around here.

I've just had my first hot cross bun.......well, 3 actually :smilewinkgrin:

Here's another pair of Redwings 😳


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