Xmas Forum Design

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I had it on for about an hour last night, and then it was hurting my eyes, I think Dan has over blinged it this year, (I know, I know, it was me asking for the xmas decs up!)
Nope can't stand it any longer.......making me eyes go googly :dizzy2:
Was nice while it lasted though. Will try it again sometime soon...:thumbsup:
Because we have upgraded to vb 3.8.4 , then we have less choice of designs that work with modifications we have made.. when we switch to VB 4 then it gets really good..not just xmas decs but all designs..

check out the vb 4 xmas decs on the contractor forum....our only forum running on VB 4 as it is new..

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For some reason I don't like the new vB 4. Maybe I am just so used to 3.7.xx and 3.8.xx etc

I do admit the xmas theme on the contractors forum is smart :thumbsup:
VB 4 matt is awesome...the add ons and features are great...:thumbsup:.. i really love it and the moderators tools are a lot faster to access etc...
VB 4 matt is awesome...the add ons and features are great...:thumbsup:.. i really love it and the moderators tools are a lot faster to access etc...

I haven't worked with the internals of vB 4. But I just don't seem to like the layout at all. When are we upgrading to vB 4 on here?
Lost me there Matt but if those figures are car engines then I am interested.


:lol: Sadly not car engines! :lol: When a new version of VBulletin is released, for instance vB 3.8 they then release bug fix updates and call them 3.8.4 etc

So the bug fix for vB 4 will be vB 4.1 I would imagine


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