I am new to this forum lark so not sure what is private or public.
I've got your number and will give you a call next week, if you haven't heard from me by Weds my number is 07985439313 drop me a text or leave me a message if I don't answer when you call.
I you are in Stoke that is where I did my NVQ assessment years ago at the BAL training place.
I have just grouted the Brazilian slate tiles and it was a disaster. The grout dried instantly on the tile surface and I had to scrub it off. I sealed the tiles first as follow;
I washed the slates 3 times and let dry for a day before applying matstone tile sealer, 2 coats with clean cloths and all was fine.
I buffed the sealer as the instructions and left for 3 days before starting to grout
please help me
My email is [email protected].
Where are you located? Have you done site work before?
Look forward to hearing from you.