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Discuss Christmas Forum Themes / Styles - And a nighttime reading one - Feedback wanted :) in the Tilers' Talk - All Other Countries area at


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Go easy on me. I've spent ages sorting these out for the forums. But I do want some feedback so please do try and find something that needs improving on. :)

We have some new themes for the forum.

If you scroll all the way down the forum. Past all the content. Past the footer. You get a little Paint Brush.


Click that and you get the following page (you can click this link too but just so you know how to get back to any other style, it's always in the footer of the forum for you): Style chooser -

So we have a few options, a Christmas theme which is Green and Red. A "Frozen" theme (other christmas movies available - please don't sue us Disney it's not that close to your branding lol). And then a Nighttime Browsing theme.

The nighttime one has been (and is still being) stripped of all blue hues, which is what our brain registers as daytime. So when we're browsing at night on our clever devices, they tend to automatically now (might need turn the options on for it) change the colouring of your screens to help you nod off.

Well we're not quite there yet with that software forumwise. But for the time being if you're on the forum at night, please use the nighttime theme. Which again, is being worked on. Some text isn't clever and is on top of similar coloured text. But the guts are about right I think.

Feedback welcome. :)

Reply to Christmas Forum Themes / Styles - And a nighttime reading one - Feedback wanted :) in the Tilers' Talk - All Other Countries area at

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