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Discuss Window tile trim-to-tile grout line? in the Tile Adhesive / Grout Advice area at

Hi guys just a quick one, i have read other threads about grout between trim and tile, seems about a 50 50 split concensus, but in this case, grout between window trim and tile or not?
Of course I would have to shorten the center piece to allow for grout space.
Also, if a grout line is left, should it be 2mm like the rest of the joints, or smaller?
Keen to hear some thoughts!
I don’t leave a gap, imo it looks pants.
Ok thanks Dave good to know. I was wondering though if the chip and the small void between the tile and the trim (3rd photo) may influence you the other way, that is, maybe it would look better with a grout line to disguise the void in this case...? Or maybe not!
I generally do leave a gap, especially if its a niche in a wet area.

Don't forget to seal them tiles before grouting
Seal tiles before grouting you say...i have never heard about that 😳 ...I did seal the wall with acrylic primer.

The gap that you leave, is that a full width gap (like the regular tile grout lines), or smaller?

Seal tiles before grouting you say...i have never heard about that 😳 ...I did seal the wall with acrylic primer.

The gap that you leave, is that a full width gap (like the regular tile grout lines), or smaller?

I generally leave a gap of around 2mm, enough to get a nice bit of grout or silicone into.

Your tile is a glazed crackle, if your not careful the grout could stick into that crackle and discolour it, for the sake of a bottle of sealant its worth doing. Just google glaze crackle sealer or nip into your local tile shop and ask them for something ..
I generally leave a gap of around 2mm, enough to get a nice bit of grout or silicone into.

Your tile is a glazed crackle, if your not careful the grout could stick into that crackle and discolour it, for the sake of a bottle of sealant its worth doing. Just google glaze crackle sealer or nip into your local tile shop and ask them for something ..
Wow ok, thanks for the tip! Although the its a crackle glaze, it seams to have no fine cracks on the final glaze finish... as if there was an initial crackle glaze and then a final clear glaze to protect it. Just thought that may be worth mentioning 🤔


Sealing the tile before grouting is goo advice. depending on the color of your grout (Darker is more of a problem black the worst!).
test it on a piece before grouting.
It looks like your window trim is metal and already installed, a tip for future installs is if the window trim is wood rabbit the back to the thickness of the installed tile and install after tiling, that eliminates any gap.

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