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Hi Guys

just wondering what marketing you have had the most success from, before I start wasting money on marketing that wont pay.
Areas I've looked at

Local Village/Church Newsletters (I live in a rural area)
Gumtree (as its free)
Sign writing on the van (is it worth it or even thoughts on the magnetic type)

Any more top tips would be very much appreciated.


AD Ceramics

Hi Guys

just wondering what marketing you have had the most success from, before I start wasting money on marketing that wont pay.
Areas I've looked at

Local Village/Church Newsletters (I live in a rural area)
Gumtree (as its free)
Sign writing on the van (is it worth it or even thoughts on the magnetic type)

Any more top tips would be very much appreciated.


Depends on what type of work you are looking for.
Years ago I advertised in papers etc never one job just people using you for pricing purposes.
I am more commercial so when I was coming to a quiet period I would get yellow pages and send letters to all shopfitters etc, I got a couple of good clients from it for the price of a few stamps.
Suppose it's a bit different these days with the Internet, but everyone opens a letter and deletes emails.

Old Mod

If u have any independant tile suppliers in your area, pay them a visit.
(Chain stores for me have never worked well)
Don't just go offer your services, make sure u have some free time, take a portfolio and get under their skin, try and speak with all the staff but start with the head honcho and when u've spoken with him ask his permission to introduce urself to the rest of the staff.
I have one such retailer now, and I just went in on the pretence of looking for a brand of adhesive.
Saw a sample on the wall that I had fitted Recently (well it was near enough!) and used that to start a conversation and ultimately present my work on my iPad.
Rest is history, they put a very particular type of work my way now.
I've done several high end projects for the owners close friends now, and when something 'challenging' comes in, I'm the only number they give.
Don't get me wrong I had to start with the regular stuff to gain their confidence, but it's all in the way you interact with them.
You either make a great first impression, or u just blend in with the other 50 fitters numbers that they have! :)
Good luck!


Hi @Wishiwasatoptiler

Years ago I started on this pay for a lead type of web sites.. My builder, rated people, service magic & findatrade... But soon a gained a big enough client base to knock that on the head thank god it was a waste of time and money !! Spent a small fortune with got my first website but that dident last.. Now I'm a proud member of checkatrade and a small il local directory call " the little green book " or "the directory of excellence " both have worked very well. My van being sign written hss also helped with the branding of the business also the web page and uniform all help.. And good old fashion good luck.... !! Being in the right place at the right time.. Builders Pubs/cafe tiling forums any networking groups all social media is amazing.. Facebook, Twitter & Instagram are all excellent tools.. Good luck


I've been using for a couple of years now, its free to set up but takes a few hours in front of the computer to get pics / write ups done. Once you've set it up get customers to put their own reviews on (don't try and forge them - they can tell if you're doing them yourself! ). Its comes up pretty high on google searches - eg "tiler in (your area)"
I get loads of calls from it and have had an awful lot work without spending a penny.
Might be worth a look at mate


I used to advertise locally and got a few bites from this method but nothing much. I'm with 3_fall about your tile suppliers. I get loads from mine, bacon rolls and such like go a long way as well. I printed off pics on a4 of tiles that they sell that i had fitted, laminated them up then took them into the shop saying they were welcome to keep them to show there tiles off in a real world scenario. that worked a treat. Customers looked at them then asked who did that job etc.... you just have to find a way to make yourself stand out from everyone else.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I printed off pics on a4 of tiles that they sell that i had fitted, laminated them up then took them into the shop saying they were welcome to keep them to show there tiles off in a real world scenario. that worked a treat. Customers looked at them then asked who did that job etc.... you just have to find a way to make yourself stand out from everyone else.
That's a really good idea that mate well done!


Thanks, that's loads, hadn't thought of most, I was still stuck on the idea of walking the streets with flyers.
Think I'll be giving all these a wurl, most wont cost anything so its a no brainer.
Not sure why but plastering work seems to come easier but Tiling is a bit of struggle, maybe its the area, I did a quick search online for Tilers and in my area only three came up, when I say area, that's about 50mile by 30mile, lots of little villages and small towns in-between, so I think the works there just need to get out and find it.

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