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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
If it doesn't work this time, what I'm hoping is that when whoever has quit for 9 days it gives somebody else encouragement to start around that time. And if they struggle, there should be another chance only a couple of weeks away when somebody else has quit for 9 days.

I'm hoping just the regular sight of reading about people quitting every few weeks is enough to really kick the rest who want to quit up the bum a bit.

Though there's nowt worse than nagging about it so I'm not going to push it too much to the rest, it's really got to be them that want to give it a go.

So it'll be an on-going thing I think. Though hopefully on December the 1st I and the rest have quit and it will be somebody else quitting soon after that and they can take over the role of getting the next group sorted out.


i stopped before for 18 months and found it really easy to do so. for me its when i no longer enjoy a cig that the best time to stop is. unfortunately i got laid off from a previous job a couple of years ago and like a plank i thought i would have a little cig to de stress. just the one i thought on a night time after the kids went to bed. yeh right, i must admit it did do me a little good stopping as instead of banging 20 a day down the airways it`s down to say 7 or 8 now. i am doing the leeds half marathon in may again for the take a heart campaign so i will need to have stopped by the end of jan at the latest as i will be in training to beat the previous time i did the marathon in. which tbh won`t take much everyone said i could not and would not be able to do it. well i did even after a 3:30 am finish and a slip off a ladder that did my neigh in even got a medal and a t shirt so if there is anyone in west yorks or even anyone that fancies travelling up in may we could do it together. good luck to dan and all the rest that are going to embark on clearing their lungs


I am over a month now Dan, have been putting £9.75 per day into a pot which is what 90 Embassy No1 cost, took it down to a cash machine this morning in Morrisons and got over £300.

HPIM0678.jpg :hurray::hurray:

will be putting into the bank next time, the machine charges 7% :prrr::prrr:

Keep going mate, as said earlier its a mind thing, you can do it.


I am over a month now Dan, have been putting £9.75 per day into a pot which is what 90 Embassy No1 cost, took it down to a cash machine this morning in Morrisons and got over £300.

View attachment 20170 :hurray::hurray:

will be putting into the bank next time, the machine charges 7% :prrr::prrr:

Keep going mate, as said earlier its a mind thing, you can do it.

Keep it up mate! Well done for getting so far

Money was my main motivation back in Jan this year and I'm still smoke free, it's amazing how much you save!


I was surprised at how much I spent when I sat and worked it out. it was over a 100 sobs a month, thats over 1200 sobs a year

1200 sobs will buy

a holiday or loads of new camping kit

or restore my bsa and the following year I can buy another bike to restore

or a classic sportscar to restore, or a classic van to restore

or buy a newer van for the business

or several fishing trips a year

and so on the list is endless

or I can suck tobacco smoke down my lungs, it should be a no brainer but smoking is not a habit , its an addiction which is why I reccomend you take full advantage of the system and take all the free help you can get, its hard to give up and you have to really want it, take it one day at a time and if you end up having a smoke just treat it as a blip not a failure and carry on

good luck to everyone who is trying


3000k a year hey dan, thats a full suspension mountain bike!!

this is too all smokers, so if i never write another thing on here, then just read this. if you are going to stop smoking, then change your whole idea towards your own health & better, lift some weights, go running, or swimming get your lungs/blood/brain demanding fresh oxygen, it will make the whole process will get addicted to excercise and healthy living in the same way as you get addicted to nicotine, salt, alchohol, sugar, dormant behaviour etc etc etc

the old think positive isnt quite enough, you need to act positve & eat positive too, that way, youve actually changed your old patterns making your brain more reseptive to the change....before you know it, your body will reject most of your old habits and your brain will link with the new ones and you wont have to ever use will power, the change will be natural & subconcious!

so if your are going to pack in smoking, then go the whole nine yards and change your attitude towards your whole life.
if you do only get one shot at this life, then make the most of it ;0)

if we are gonna do anything, then we might as well do it well hey and find ways to make the change fun and addictive in the right way :thumbsup:

hope i dont sound patronising is this post, i just wanna help because ive been there too.
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Great post Ed, really good stuff mate. Dan and all the rest that have stopped you will find that you make more money whilst you are saving as well. Smoking has always held my jobs up, all those 5 minute breaks (ten minutes plus in reality) cost money and seeing as I am self employed then it was costing me.
I think this is a great thread and well done to all of the people involved.



When i stoppede i didnt throw the ciggies left in the packet away, nor did i empty the ashtray at home or in the van. I added a touch of water to teh one at home and kept it by the PC. Everytime i wanted a puff while on the computer id have a little sniff of the ashtray. Of course it was rank. Try it and have a good old lung full of it, its vile.

I also didnt change my lifestyle, i didnt stop going to the pub because i smoked more with a beer or because others would be smoking. I believe if you stop doing all the things you normally do then it seems you are making more of a sacrifice that just stopping smoking.

Good luck everyone, ill be smoke free for 5 years next month!


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Righteo. Hope you're all doing well. I've had one ciggy in two halves so far, possibly have another later in two halves but will wait for now. Going to not get beers in. And I've kept myself well busy all day sorting out the office. Still a fair bit to do so I'll carry on tomorrow.

Spent a good hour and half in staples getting stationary and files and whatnot so that took a chunk out of this morning which is usually when I want one the most. I didn't take any ciggies with me so just had the one half when I got back, and one half not so long ago. Ash tray looks lonely but it'll have to put up with it haha


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I don't have any patches or gums or anything yet. Wanted to get in the docs to get some free jobbies. Still never got a call back from the NHS place so will pester the docs for a contact. So I've gone cold turkey.

It's helped having such a bad cough as I'm on the tail end of man flu that I got thursdayish and just have a cough again now but saturday morning I couldn't move my head my neck was aching that much. The mrs has been looking after me all weekend, bless.

Well done though mate. How's the Mrs doing?

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