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Thanks Dan you're very kind 🙂

Quick one for you, my hosting is up for renewal and I'm thinking of uping my package. In the not too distant future I want to host videos on my own site rather than embedding them from YT, I also want to eliminate downtime (not that i've had any i'm aware of) so with this in mind and to keep speeds up I want to add load balancing. I have one SLQ database and may add more... so a few factors are making me think I'm going to opt for FH's business premium which I think will cost me around £150 for the year.

Now do you think this would be a good idea or do you think I might be better off looking at thrid party hosts which may not have quite so many websites on their servers and also offer loadf balancing??
I wouldn't worry too much about load balancing. Checkout UK Web Hosting - UK Reseller Hosting - UK Managed Dedicated Servers - UK Domain Registration Services which is who we use as a forum. Their shared packages are on nice spec servers with no need to do anything above what their standard package offers.

You need to consider bandwidth and diskspace (not a big problem) but downtime shouldn't be an issue in this day and age with any host. And I wouldn't worry about load balancing with most hosting packages it's not anything you'd particularly need.

I can match their packages for you, but it's left with you. Their support might be quicker at times (if I'm away I'm pretty much screwed, they have support available even Xmas day)
cheers for this advice dan could u have a quick look at mine and let me know wat i can improve on.i took your advice on the seo package and installed the lite version,
thanks again.:thumbsup:
Great information Dan but I will have to look at my book "Idiots guide to technology":lol:
The load balancing was more to do with site speed rather than downtime although the added benefit was minimal downtime and the website being backed up on multiple servers.

Site speed has been slowly decreasing over the last few months and that is more to do with other websites sitting on the same server rather than any major changes to my website. I know I can kick up a fuss with fasthosts on that level but I know as soon as I host videos directly on the website then speed will be an issue as will bandwidth.


Currently bandwidth stands at 2gb a month (tiny I know) but again videos will knock that for six. So the load balancing was so that site speeds improve, am I right in thinking that the website would be delivered to users over multiply servers, even the same user? So say somebody was to watch a video it would be supplied by a few servers sending packet data for that video?

I know i'm going for overkill here but I want to make sure I have enough for the year to come rather than getting add-ons like I have done this year.

Now to add an extra element I do plan on getting a few micro websites up and running this year, optimised for one trade or product, i'm thinking there could be around 10+ websites. Colour Republic would always be the most important and looked after but with hosting I may be better to get a reseller package to keep costs down - Maybe the start reseller from your lot??

Lastly do your lot included a analytics programme in the package as I use both google and matrix for that, as both seem to miss some data and the reports I get from both means get a fairly good picture of what is going on once cross referenced
I think load balancing is to do with splitting the laod yeah but generally it'll only be your processor and bandwidth hampered by lots of video's being watched a lot. But I wouldn't have thought even if we hosted videos, that even our traffic would watch them all at the same time sort of thing. I seriously don't think you'll have a problem.

And it's nothing to do with online reliability. However it's worth noting most proper hosts (so not the big firms that use their own systems such as 123reg, fasthosts etc) will give you backup many times daily, in our case 4 times daily but I'm pretty sure that could be more or less if we wanted/needed it to be.

Our server has 64bit mysql which helps, we can process twice the requests we used to be able to handle. But again that's nowt to do with video's per se, providing you're not using some database that houses the videos and gets accessed each time the video played. If you're simply uploading them, and then embedding them, that's processer speed and brandwidth you'll be using. Then the diskspace will get munched up over time but you're the one in control of that. You can decrease quality or size of the videos, or you can increase your hosting package. Or a bit of both. (I'd be giving lots of thought to that at the beginning).

UH can upgrade or downgrade your package on a monthly basis if you needed it to. You'd need to keep selecting and actioning that though. UH would transfer you to another server FOC with no downtime at all (you'd just change your DNS for your domain name(s) when told to).

As for the reseller, yeah if you want any more than a few websites then it's sensible to get a reseller, then you can dedicate a certain amount of space and bandwidth for each.

As for stats, yeah, three types of stats. Webalizer, AWStats and some other one. Though I too still use Google Analytics. As with all web stats, they seem to produce different figures but do have the same trends, so I tend to check all (typical - you were expecting a quick solution there and it's just cost you more time lol).
I'll take a quick look for you now mate. Just noticed your van though!



I noticed that the other day and whenever I see another firm employing the nostalgic marketing tactic i'm always a little jealous, it's one of those things that brings a smile to your face and makes you stand out wayyyy out from the crowd.

It's a great van Andy and what looks to be MINT condition!

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