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There has been more major inventions came from the Scots than any other country in the World. per head of population.
  • John Williams, born Glasgow, developed the vaccine against smallpox.
  • Alexander Graham Bell, born in Edinburgh, invented the telephone.
  • John Logie Baird, born Helensburgh, invented the television.
  • John Boyd Dunlop, born Scotland, patented the pneumatic tyre.
  • Mrs Keiller, born Dundee, invented marmalade.
  • Charles MacIntosh, born Glasgow, patented the raincoat.
  • John Loudon MacAdam, born Ayr, invented tarmac road surface.
  • John Chalmers, born Dundee, invented the adhesive stamp.
  • Robert Louis Stevenson, born Edinburgh, wrote the world famous book treasure island.
  • Patrick Ferguson, born Scotland, invented the breech-loading rifle.
  • James Simson, born Bathgate, was the first man to use chloroform.
  • William Symington born Lanarkshire, was the first man to propel a boat by steam.
  • James watt, born Greenock, Scotland, invented the modern steam engine.
  • Alexander Fleming, born in Ayrshire, Scotland, discovered penicillin.
  • Kirkpatrick MacMillan, born Thorhill, Scotland invented the bicycle.

  • John Paul Jones, born in Scotland, founded the American navy.
  • Alan Pinkerton, born in Glasgow, 1819, founded the world famous detective agency in the U.S.A.
  • John Campbell from Glasgow founded the city of Auckland, new Zealand.
  • John Law, born in Edinburgh, founded the Bank of France.
  • William Paterson, born Dumfries, founded the Bank of England.
  • James MacDraw from Aberdeen founded New Zealand,s first University in Dunedin, 1869.
  • James McGill born in Glasgow, founded the University in Montreal.
  • William Smith, born in Thurso, Scotland, founded the Boys Brigade.
  • Samuel Craig from Inverkething founded the Russian navy.
  • The first Prime Minister of Australia was Andrew Fisher, born in Lanarkshire , Scotland.
  • John McDonald, born in Glasgow was the prime minister of Canada for nineteen years.
  • Thomas Brisbane, born on the west cost of Scotland, was the state governor in Australia, the city of Brisbane was named after him.
  • James McDonald, born in Dundee , Scotland, was the voice for Mickey Mouse for over 40 years.
  • Patrick Gordon from Aberdeen was Peter the Great's adviser in Russia
  • Charles Cameron from Aberdeen designed many buildings in Leningrad during the reign of Catherine the Great
  • There are more Scots living outside of Scotland than inside.
  • Scotland is the only country in the World to invade England twice.
  • More than half of the defenders of the Alamo were of Scottish decent, among them Davy Crokett and Jim Bowie.
  • Austin in Texas was built from blueprints from Scotland.
  • Scotland has the least populated density in Europe.
  • The furthest you can be from the coast in Scotland is about 50 miles.
  • The first person mentioned in the Bible is a Scot, King James VI.
  • The last battle to be fought on British soil was the Battle of Culloden,1746
  • Scotland is the only country in Europe that the Romans could not conquer.
  • Scotland is the only country in the world, that Coca Cola is not the best selling soft drink. Irn Bru is the best selling soft drink.
  • The shortest scheduled flight in the world, is westray to papa in the Orkneys, 1.5 miles long and takes 1 minute 14 seconds.
  • Scots were great adventurers even in the early Christian era in Rome, there is an inscription on the walls of one of the Catacombs-" Quid Scoti hic fuerunt". ("The Scots were here").
  • There are more Scots living in Canada than any other country abroad.
  • The greatest distance from North to South of Scotland is 275 miles and the greatest width is 154 miles.
  • There are more pipe bands in America than in Scotland.
  • The guillotine was used in Scotland 200 years before it was used in the French Revolution.
  • The Lincon Monument in Edinburgh was the first statue of an American president to be constructed outside the U.S.A. in 1893 in memory of the Scottish soldiers who fought in the American civil war.
  • The first medical school in north America - the university of Pennsylvania 1765 - was modelled on the medical school at Edinburgh university 1726.
  • There are over 450 golf courses in Scotland.
  • The first Airship to cross the Atlantic was built in Scotland.
  • Theodore Roosevelt said of the Scots " they became the vanguard of our civilisation ".
  • Edinburgh was the first city in the world to have its own fire service.
  • 7 Scotsmen were in the us 7th cavalry with General Custer at the Battle Of Little Big Horn on 25 June, 1876.
  • Johnny Walker red label is the worlds largest selling whisky.
  • The Romans called Scotland , Caledonia.
  • The Q.E.2 was the largest ship built in Scotland.
  • Scotland has 787 islands most of which are on the west coast.
  • St Andrews golf course is the oldest in the world.
  • Haggis is the national dish of Scotland.

As the average Englishman moves about the home he calls his castle, watch him enjoy a typical English breakfast of toast and marmalade invented by Mrs Keiller of Dundee, Scotland; see him slipping into his national costume, a soiled raincoat, patented by Chemist Charles MacIntosh from Glasgow, Scotland. ; and follow his footsteps over the linoleum flooring invented in Kirkcaldy, Scotland.

On The Road
Out he goes - along the English lane surfaced by John MacAdam of Ayr, Scotland (known as the MacAdamized road), smoking an English cigarette, first manufactured by Robert Croag of Perthshire, Scotland. He hops aboard an English bus, which is using tyres invented by John Boyd Dunlop, of Dreghorn, Scotland and later completes his journey by rail. (A reminder the James Watt of Greenock, Scotland invented the Steam Engine). At the office he is presented with the morning mail containing adhesive stamps invented by John Chalmers of Dundee, Scotland; and periodically during the day, he reaches for the telephone, invented by Alexander Graham Bell, born of Scottish parents.
At The Dinner Table
At home in the evening, our English cousin's wife is preparing his national dish of roast beef of old England - prime Aberdeen Angus, raised in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. This sets the patriotic heart beating a little faster, and he enters the dining room whistling "Ye Mariners of England" written and composed by Thomas Campbell of Glasgow, Scotland. After dinner there follows a scene typical of English domestic bliss. Young Albert is packed off to Boys' Brigade, founded by Sir William Smith of Glasgow, Scotland; Ted goes to the Scouts, the present Chief of which is Sir Charles MacLean of Duart, Scotland; and little Ethel plays on her bicycle, invented by Kirkpatrick MacMillan, a blacksmith of Dumfries, Scotland. Mother, in the kitchen, bleaches clothes with bleach invented by James McGregor of Glasgow, Scotland. dad listens to the news on the television, invented by John Logie Baird of Helensburgh, Scotland, and hears an item about the United States Navy, founded by John Paul Jones, of Kirkbean, Scotland. Maybe, just maybe, he will remember that the radar with which the U.S. and other fleets are equipped was invented by Sir Robert A. Watson Watt, of Brechin, Scotland.
Once the children come home, Dad supervises the homework, using logarithms invented by John Napier of Edinburgh. The English course contains familiar books such as "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson, and "Robinson Crusoe", based on the life of Alex Selkirk, of , Scotland. If by now he has been reminded too much of Scotland, he may in desperation pick up the bible - here at last to have something without Scottish associations; but he is disillusioned - the first man mentioned in the bible is a Scot, James VI, who authorised its translation.
Its hopeless. Nowhere he can turn to escape the efficiency and ingenuity of the Scots. He could take a drink - but we supply the best in the world. He could stick his head in the oven - but the coal gas was discovered by William Murdoch of Ayr, Scotland. He could take rifle and blow his brains out, but. of course the breach loading rifle was invented by a Scot. Anyway, if he survived, injured, he would simple find himself on an operating table, injected with Penicillin, discovered by Alexander Flaming of Darvel, Scotland; given an anaesthetic discovered by James Young Simpson of Bathgate, Scotland; and operated on be antiseptic surgery pioneered at Glasgow Royal Infirmary. On coming out of the anaesthetic, he would probable take no comfort in learning from his surgeon that he was as safe as the Bank of England, founded by William Paterson of Dumfries, Scotland.
Blimey, I'm so so glad I don't have to learn all that by heart for an exam... :lol: an impressive list :thumbsup:
What about my invention !!




  • kit2.jpg
    23 KB · Views: 49
Well who the hell invented the Scotch pie?, bloody orrible things.

Haggis and black pudding are the others.

Don't really like my Scottish mother in law much either :lol:
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Well who the hell invented the Scotch pie?, bloody orrible things.

Haggis and black pudding are the others.

Don't really like my Scottish mother in law much either :lol:

sure it was an englishman that invented the pie and as for haggis and black pudding mmm delish

chris i didnt like my scots mother in law either lol

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