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Tilers Forums baby thread

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I had to share this cos I thought it was quite funny after gathering a huge amount of knowledge from this lovely forum.

I have an electric steam steriliser for Jake's feeding bottles. There isn't a lot of worktop space in my kitchen so the steriliser is situated next to the sink under a shelf. Mr GRR cleaned the steriliser inside the other night before using it and noticed that the plaster skim had blown and was now peaking like a tent under the shelf.

So the moral of this story is, if you use a steam steriliser, site it away from plastered walls :lol: Steam actually works at blowing plaster off!
DSCF1224.jpgmy little angle keira. 9 weeks old now and sleeping through the night; well lucky.
started teething early though, 3 popping through.
dont think she likes the flash on camera :lol:
Lovely pic Liz... but you are supposed to take his trooosers off for the potty.:lol:

psssst!!!! You know I thought that, too?? :lol: Must be some fancy newfangled babyseat?? He is looking a tad worried there..
they've been around for ages G, we had one for our lads, we mainly used it when they were in bath but you had to be very careful they didn't tip over as they float unless you really push it down and get a good bit of suction on bath bottom.
great pic liz:thumbsup:
Christ he's growing fast! Roxy still looks like a baby baby compared to Jake! I'll get a pic uploaded asap.

We've got one of those seat things, and a cushion similar to what you use around your neck but she's not quite holding herself up yet for long, seems to wobble over still.

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