Rogue traders photo gallery

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I just found these photo's in our rogue traders photo gallery and they were posted by member stottey.....what do you think of this tiling....:lol:



I just found these photo's in our rogue traders photo gallery and they were posted by member stottey.....what do you think of this tiling....:lol:


Notice the kettle was plugged in the whole time. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Now come on Dave - be fair
it was only plugged in on the first photo
its hard work achieving such quality
the bloke is allowed a cuppa surely? ( I was gaspin')


joking apart - the only good thing about this (if there can be such a thing) is to show to those new at this game ( myself definately included) is that the money I spent ( about £2500) on my training wasn't wasted.

This could have been one of those that advertise - 'with 10 years experience - not a months training' - but if your experience has all been at this standard it means nowt!

Okay I only have a 4 week course behind me - but with 30+ years of diy experience- I would be ashamed to take money for this pile of crap.

frogeye (mini rant over)
Am gutted my work had been posted on the forum and splash backs were supposed to b my strong point:lol:


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