Customer Price Dispute.

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Had one today,
Went to look at the job prior to starting. It's a plumber who I know's daughter.
She asked for a rough idea of cost, I said £450 plus materials. No mention of day rate or any of that. It's tiling above a bath to ceiling, window wall half way and door wall to ceiling. Boarding and tiling floor, 3m.
I have Got it tiled in 2 days without too much sweat and due to go back tomorrow to grout and seal it up. Had a phone call from her fella tonight, he's a joiner apparently, asking where I've got my price from its too much and I'm out of order charging for a full day tomorrow when Ile be done in a couple of hours. When I explained I told them the price before I started, he said he thought that was just a worse case and I was covering myself, He's also seen tilemaster adhesive online for £15, when I charge £25. Tried my best to explain it all and come to an agreement, had to settle on me collecting my tools and leaving him to grout it himself and charging him £300 plus materials. - my idea.

Very Annoying, the plumber is a long term acquaintence so didn't want to fall out too bad!
I think this is a lesson to me to start doing writer quotes to everyone, I nearly always have a verbal agreement.

Verbal doesn't exist unfortunately, don't be shy in how you write quotes be very thorough it's not rude to do so 🙂 Any discussions I have I follow it up by email or text with a response of confirmation, can't trust no one when it comes to money :/

The fella is a bellend.
The spoken word flies, the written word remains!!!!

ALWAYS put everything in writing, that forms a contract between you and the customer. Although a verbal agreement is still a contract it is more difficult to prove.
If it was under different circumstances I would stick to my guns here, but I want to keep the peace. He's got a good deal tho, on the labour.
Very rare I get asked for a writen quote. Ile have to have some propper headed quote sheets made up.
I would say I send about 70% of quotes via text message these days, it's very easy and clear.
Cheers impish, if anyone would be willing that would be great.
Have to set out some terms for payment too, as some customers think that's on there terms!
Pm me your email and I'll send you my template and t's & c's... Will be tomorrow evening now though...
I would say I send about 70% of quotes via text message these days, it's very easy and clear.
Cheers impish, if anyone would be willing that would be great.
Have to set out some terms for payment too, as some customers think that's on there terms!

This is one of my quotes for an example, I have just blanked out number and address. Short, they know their part, they know what they're getting from me and they know payment is once I've finished regardless of it just being a days work! Other details such as grout colour I confirm in email or by text if the job is won unless they've already decided when I visit to quote 🙂 No problems in the last 15 months! You watch Sunday's job will be awkward now haha.


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