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So How Was Your Day?

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Lovely day today, heading to work, the power generator on the car gone, waiting for AA recovery, go to garage 300 quid short to start the day with. Get to site 2pm, didn't see the job upfront, twice as big as I expected to be, top of this nicely prepared floors and walls. But hey, no moaning, still happy. Time for quick prep only and let it settle . no one here, so I can wipe the bath and shower tray after the other traders left of plaster, woodcuts and whatever you imagine. Image before after meshing. Still better than it was.
Someone can explain what's the point to leave the plasterboard 5cm short and the floor doesn't go under the wall either?

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Lovely day today, heading to work, the power generator on the car gone, waiting for AA recovery, go to garage 300 quid short to start the day with. Get to site 2pm, didn't see the job upfront, twice as big as I expected to be, top of this nicely prepared floors and walls. But hey, no moaning, still happy. Time for quick prep only and let it settle . no one here, so I can wipe the bath and shower tray after the other traders left of plaster, woodcuts and whatever you imagine. Image before after meshing. Still better than it was.
Someone can explain what's the point to leave the plasterboard 5cm short and the floor doesn't go under the wall either?

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Always used to leave a 10mm gap under the boards when dry lining, just in case of a small leak so the water wouldn't get sucked up into the board...say in a kitchen bathroom areas.
50mm no idea ??
Always used to leave a 10mm gap under the boards when dry lining, just in case of a small leak so the water wouldn't get sucked up into the board...say in a kitchen bathroom areas.
50mm no idea ??
I Wish you have done here too.. They connected the floor heating too, while the actual wiring Matt is in the box unopened. Never understood this sort of solutions.plywood on the floor not fixed, 2cm gaps between them. Seems very sloppy work, they weren't like this before.
So the question is can you spot the mistake the electrician made?
As I was about to Lay the last small complete floor the other night I uncovered, from under all the debris, a severed UFH cable.
It had floated to the surface through the latex and was directly beneath where the steel fabricators were installing the balustrade.
So I maticulously uncovered more cable until such time that I had exposed a loop, this way both pieces could be brought together, excess removed as repair made, easy! ...........well, or is it I ask myself this evening.
I even left a small channel in the floor to insert the cable and a flap of anti crack membrane so it could all be put back together as it should be.
Having spoke to the agent today, he assured me everything was tickety boo!
Arrived earlier and after unloading and retrieving other kit from the lock up, I had a wander round to survey the bits and pieces that I needed to do this evening.
Which, incidentally, is supposed to be my last shift!!
Having got to the said floor last I was greeted with this, it's nothing unusual, used to it by now.
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Because I had to fit some skirting around that side too, I had to clean up so I could remove the 6mm ply covering the floor, but the penny was about to drop!
As you can quite clearly see, the repair has been made.
And looks like a good job!
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But can anyone tell me,
Where on gods earth am I going to put the cable?
I have never before seen something so completely stupid!!
He didn't bother removing the excess, he just joined the two pieces together and left it!
And these guys laid it!
So there's no excuse, they know (apparently) how to install UFH!!
So it has to beg the question,
Why should I even bother!!
It took the best part of a week to get the repair kit in the first place!!

Just to add to that, when I uncovered everything to remove the ply, this presented itself.
All that crap was UNDER the Corex!
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And the brown residue on the tiles and nosing?
Packing tape! You know the kind they use to pack boxes, that horrible plastic tape.
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The tape itself came up clear!
And the adhesive remained in the tiles and nosings.
You can see the clear tape below.

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So was it really worth it I ask myself, was it really worth spending so much time and energy to bring together 7 completely different pieces of tile to create this,
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When you have completely incompetent electricians and people who instruct labourers how to cover a finished piece of work!
Rant over!
W*****S mate that's all you can say about them and they think their the creame de creame of the building trade
I'm not saying my current client is particular but,
I was asked to explain why these two joints were so vastly different in size!!!!
This is a conservatory which is 80% glass and you can imagine just how warm it gets in summer, and cold in winter.
So as the skirtings were not removed I was always going to leave a generous joint at the transition between wall and floor!
But 'vastly different?' Dunno Praps my eyesight is worse than I thought! 😀


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