B Blunt Tool Dec 10, 2018 #11 Think it kinda got worse for him aswell because if you look closely at photo that is the customers perfectly manicured nails lying there 🙄 after inspecting the plywood for herself!
Think it kinda got worse for him aswell because if you look closely at photo that is the customers perfectly manicured nails lying there 🙄 after inspecting the plywood for herself!
S Spare Tool Dec 10, 2018 #12 You've got his last tiler to thank for putting up with his methods without question..
B Blunt Tool Dec 10, 2018 #15 bigdave1903 said: Who was it Ian? I need to know who to avoid Click to expand... Tell you in person next time I see you in CTD You know his last tiler aswell haha I dont think it would take you much guesses
bigdave1903 said: Who was it Ian? I need to know who to avoid Click to expand... Tell you in person next time I see you in CTD You know his last tiler aswell haha I dont think it would take you much guesses
B Blunt Tool Dec 10, 2018 #18 Waluigi said: Let me know if you’d like a Plumbing Appreticeship Click to expand... Danke meisterhandwerker
Waluigi said: Let me know if you’d like a Plumbing Appreticeship Click to expand... Danke meisterhandwerker
U Unused Account 1 Dec 12, 2018 #19 Dont worry mate as long as we know the right way ,keep your head up
T Time's Ran Out Dec 12, 2018 #20 Still it will give you more time to go and watch the Dons in their push for survival!