Recent content by Andy Tiler

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    TTA Awards 2020 - Voting Time - Wall and Floor Tiler of the Year

    It is a cracking night out 👍 1580845450 😆😆💪
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    TTA Awards 2020 - Voting Time - Wall and Floor Tiler of the Year

    Hi Dan.. cheers pal.. yeah all good here cheers just busy .. how's Tricks with you?
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    TTA Awards 2020 - Voting Time - Wall and Floor Tiler of the Year

    We appreciate all your votes guys 👍
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    Tiling failure over wundafloor

    That would be a train job :monorail:
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    Tiling failure over wundafloor

    If you cover my costs i will be willing to take a trip over to take a look? There must be a few decent tilers in your area?
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    Tiling failure over wundafloor

    I don't think anybody could give a price for that? Id be more concerned about getting it done properly...
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    Tiling failure over wundafloor

    What a mess!!! 10mm on top of ditra very risky! As you remove the dots i bet you will pull at the matting making it debond.. i wouldn't mess about i would rip the lot up!
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    Tiling failure over wundafloor

    Remove the heating boards make good floor level then install heating i would recommend warmup
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    Tiling On Floorboards

    Make sure the floorboards are solid and 6mm Hardie or no more ply would be my option
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    Weber set spf... Thoughts?

    I used Weber for a few years when i worked in France it was nice stuff..tried it in the uk didn't seem like the same formula!? Im now using ultra for everything
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    Levelling clips how many?

    I use clips for everything
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    Independent Tiling Consultant needed

    That's not a professional Tilers work!! Handyman or DIY ??
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    Grinder attachment and hoover

    How did you do that :D.... That's mine not cheap but worth every penny

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