Recent content by jamesbond

  1. J

    Tiles cracked in new bathroom

    Thank you all for your input so far. It has been a great help in at least being able to know what to look for as we start to try to put things right. I will of course let you know the outcome, should we ever actually get to the bottom of it of course. Thanks again :) Hello, I finally have an...
  2. J

    Tiles cracked in new bathroom

    I'm pretty sure it's not crazing. Again, the tiles are cracked right through the tile, not just the glaze, and no longer entirely flat against the wall. At the moment, I'm hoping to find some sort of reasonable answer without having to resort to TTA, as I would like it to be as painless and...
  3. J

    Tiles cracked in new bathroom

    OK, so if it were shrinkage in the tiles, that may explain the cracks, but would that also create the hollow air pockets that seem to be evident that jcrtiling mentioned was likely to be due to bonding issues caused by paint, or spot fixing. Would it cause them to actually blow out? My...
  4. J

    Tiles cracked in new bathroom

    Tiles do seem to be BCT I have read about crazing whilst reading other similar threads in this forum, and considered this possibility myself. Some of the cracks are 2-3 inch long hairline cracks, which could on their own be construed this way. However, several of the tiles are clearly cracked...
  5. J

    Tiles cracked in new bathroom

    Sadly, I don't know what adhesive was used. I'll try to find out.
  6. J

    Tiles cracked in new bathroom

    Hi jcrtiling, thanks for your response Should there also be Silicon between wall and ceiling, or is grout fine? I don't think they used spot tiling, as it is not all the tiles that sound hollow, just certain ones, and its often not the whole tile. I'll check for sure when we pull off the tiles...
  7. J

    Tiles cracked in new bathroom

    Hi, I was hoping I might get some advice with a cracked tiling issue I am experiencing. We had a new bathroom installed about a year ago, and noticed the other day that half the top two rows of tiles along an interior brick wall are cracked. We had a closer look around the bathroom, and found...
  8. J

    British Standards Query

    Wow. This is perfect. Paul, I cannot thank you enough for this. This is above and beyond the level of detail I was hoping you would come back with. It is exactly what we need to help us all move on with this. I am of course aware this is not a law or anything, but if this goes to court, then we...
  9. J

    British Standards Query

    Hi Paul, That is great. Thanks so much! It is both walls and floor.
  10. J

    British Standards Query

    Hello, I recently received some great advice from you all regarding an ongoing dispute (Is this an acceptable edge cut? -, and I wondered if I might impose on you one more time for some information regarding BS 5385. I...
  11. J

    Settlement of Dispute - Any advice?

    Thank's everyone for your kind advice. It has been very helpful and we are very appreciative. I will pop back and let you know the outcome.
  12. J

    Settlement of Dispute - Any advice?

    Hello, I recently posted another thread on the forum asking for advice on the quality of a tiling job that we had done in our bathroom. Is this an acceptable edge cut? - The l-cuts around the window and alcove were...
  13. J

    Is this an acceptable edge cut?

    It was one company
  14. J

    Is this an acceptable edge cut?

    So I guess the next question is, what is reasonable to expect to put this right? I'm guessing it's far too heavy handed to expect it all torn out and redone at their expense. They are still expecting full payment for the tiling! But there are issues like the one highlighted around the whole...
  15. J

    Is this an acceptable edge cut?

    Thanks to all of you for all your valuable opinions and advice. It is very much appreciated. We were completely ready to eat humble pie, accept the level of quality and put it down to experience had we learned we had paid well below par and received only what we paid for. However, we are...

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