Jim Mullen Apr 28, 2017 Stone Mason by trade and stone installs takes up most of our time we also install large format porcelain and when asked ceramics usually allied to a stone installation, generally work on high end properties but not exclusively, ...
Stone Mason by trade and stone installs takes up most of our time we also install large format porcelain and when asked ceramics usually allied to a stone installation, generally work on high end properties but not exclusively, ...
Lou Apr 5, 2017 Enter JOTM http://www.tilersforums.co.uk/photo-contests/jotm-competition-april-2017.2/
Lou Jan 25, 2017 Special offer from vans direct http://www.tilersforums.co.uk/threads/new-special-offer-available-from-vans-direct
Special offer from vans direct http://www.tilersforums.co.uk/threads/new-special-offer-available-from-vans-direct