
  1. T


    Hi Just wondered if anyone used google adwords to advertise. If so, please can you give me your thoughts on how you have found it as I'm considering using it. Thanks Tib
  2. C


    Hi, can anyone give any advise on advertising please am currently advertising on, ebay, gumtree, local shops, going to run an advert in the local papers again that seem to work but is expensive, am considering advertising in yellow pages some feedback on that would great..
  3. D


    Hi all just me again, where did you find the best place to advertise your business and kind of advertising got you the most business. As advertising is so expensive I want a spot that’s going to return the most interest. THANKS A BUNDLE MATES
  4. kilty55


    hi all,,wondered what response people got from there signange on there vans?? how much business does it drum up? cheers
  5. H

    advertising companies!! beware

    Hello all, got my second phone call this week from an advertising company wanting me to advertise with them online with guaranteed work there already they say,i am listed on the findtrustedtradesmen site and she said because of that -i was looking for work,i told her i had enough work.She got...
  6. D

    Charity Advertising on a Yearplanner *SCAM BEWARE*

    Chestnut House in Liverpool produce yearplanners/wallplanners for the Honeyrose Foundation. They ask businesses to sponsor their calendars by buying advertising space on them. There is information you need to know if you are considering entering into a contract with them. This newspaper article...
  7. T

    Advertising and still no work

    Cant believe it. im in the and the book. in local rag and all these advertise my website. also posted 500 business cards. im fully set up, complete tool kit, escort van and still no work Im losing hundreds of pounds a week and its doing my head in. If it carries on like this im gonna...
  8. P

    Free Advertising

    Hi everyone, i have been reading some of your threads about getting work in and thought i would Google 'FREE ADVERTISING' to see what came up, and guess what? there is quite alot out there its just knowing where to look. its worth a go. ive found a few sites that let you advertise free. for...
  9. G


    Hi all i have just got a listing on been waiting nearly 3 weeks for it to go on line finally went on to day but guess what they put no phone numbers on :furious3: how are people ment to get in touch with me with no phone numbers:mad2:
  10. B


    Hi Has anybody tryed advertising on
  11. L

    advertising help

    i recieved a phone call today from a company called customer street based in lancaster (anyone heard of them) like a typical salesman they kept pushing me into payment basically they wanted a £200 signing on fee to register with them and they would build me a website and advertise me with the...
  12. T

    Advertising Question

    Ive just had a call from a manager from my local tesco and he is promoting a business card dispensing machine that has one of each local trade in there. (Which means ill be the only tiler allowed to avertise).The advertising spaces are set for 2 years and coats between £6 - £10 a week but they...
  13. S


    Was wondering if the more experienced guys/girls in the know could give me some advice?? Been advertised on for some time now but ive not had a single call, ive dropped some cards at the local Tile outlets etc but still no calls...... I know its generally slow this time of the year...
  14. N


    Hi Everyone out there. Can I have feedback from you as to where you find the best places to advertise, Is it the local paper, shops leaflet drops????? Trying to up my energy in the right place
  15. M


    Evening all What are your views on advertising via leaflets. Got my advert in local paper, appearing on Yell nextweek and business cards here nextweek. Is leafleting an act of desperation or a good way of creating more exposure - just wanted your thoughts on this matter. Mark
  16. T

    Advertising but not yet registered ?

    Hi, im in the process of going self employed, you have 3 months to register so im gojng to register after xmas. I was just wondering though, can you actually advertise before you register because the only way of knowing that you can make it into your chosen trade is to know that there is enough...
  17. B

    free advertising on the net listing for 6 months or so,worth a shot,thought i'd share this with you all,hope you get some work from it. Brian:grouphug:
  18. F

    What method of advertising works best for you ?

    Thread title says it all really. I know there have been some threads about what advertising you do, but out of all the advertising that you do do, what would you say actually generates the most calls. So if you could, just pop in a vote and a simple bit on why or how much more business or...
  19. P

    Advertising on year planners

    Just had a phone call from christies hospice charity. They have basically offered me a beer mat size ad on a large yearly planner that will be distributed to all major businesses throughout the north west. I would be the only Tiler on advertised on the planner and would cost me £299. Do you...
  20. S


    hi everyone just wondering if anyone has any tips for advertising. I am just starting up and have been advertising in the local rag for a couple of months not a sausage so far. thanks all



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