I,ve been given a free bag of ardex c2 grout and want to use it but would prefer to use flexi additive with it like the bal gt1, what is the additive for this grout and who stocks it in the north east.
Thanks Steve
I was doing some research on different adhesive brands, and I noticed BAL is part of the Ardex Worldwide. Are their products the same and just rebranded (like Rubi and Felker dry cutters), or are they separate?
And oh, I don't use either, I'm just curious.
ardexardex adhesive
bal adhesive
building adhesives
im trying ardex 7001 for the 1st time , any advice ? its a bathroom floor , ive boarded it out with ply , should i use a primer ? its ceramic tiles , i usually use bal acrylic primer apd but thats for plasterboard and cement .
the ardex bag recommends ardex p51 primer but my supplier doesnt...
Can anybody let me know where I can source some Ardex WPC mail order? I need it by next Monday (5th Nov) and I can't seem to get it anywhere.
All responses much appreciated.:icon4:
Hi All
I have just filled a very large crack in a concrete floor that ran from one side of the room to the other (about 2.5 metres) it's 50mm deep and 50mm wide and i used the Ardex 6001 which was the first time i used it.... i gotta say it's great to use and it has dried superbly:)
Can i...