
  1. P

    Bisazza Mosaic 1x1 Paperback Repair?

    I need help about having advices on repair for the Bisazza Mosaic (1x1 cm paperback one) that is recently installed on a wall with some defects. The guy has failed during taking paper off and many tessarees started to fall. Those tessearees installed back but not smoothly like the others. Waited...
  2. J

    best adhesive and grout for bisazza mosaic

    I am quoting for a job where architect specified bisazza start+ up adhesive and bisazza fillgel epoxy for grout. Has anyone used these two products. being a stone fixer mainly bit out of touch with epoxy grouts but they always used to spell trouble. Would rather use a very good qualaity flex...
  3. M

    FOR SALE- Bisazza Adhesive

    Anyone got a Bisazza job coming up? I have Bisazza two part adhesive for sale: 2 25kg bags of Start unopened 2 9kg tubs of UP unopened The Start needs to be used by mid Jan ideally (man. date 15/01/09, storage 1 yr). Man. date for the Up is 23/10/08 (storage 2 years). For one Start & Up...
  4. A

    Bisazza - help needed

    Hi all, Got to do a job in a few weeks using Bisazza mosaics, which I've never used before. I've seen in an earlier thread that people charge up to £100 per square metre (inc epoxy grout and shiner). Is there anything specific to Bisazza that makes it require such a fee? Is it much harder to...
  5. B

    Bisazza Glass Mosaic Tile ( Nuvole Plus )

    I have 2 boxes 4.14 m² Nuvole Plus Bisazza Glass mosaic tile [ light colour ] Left from my previous project . They are still in the orginal boxes. it will be £200 all together. Thanks pls contact me for more details. I can e-mail some photos. [email protected]
  6. C

    Bisazza supplied epoxy - are you using it/

    How are all the pros finding the use of the Bisazza epoxy, which now comes along with at least some of the mosaics they supply? I have had homeowners calling me out the blue after coming up against flat no's from the tile installer - they are seeking advice and information on why its a problem...
  7. T

    Bisazza mosaics

    Anyone know where to get these in the northeast? I'm after 4 glass sheets in green CTD do them but they charge by the box and they're an absolute fortune :furious3: Much appreciated
  8. D

    Tiling with Bisazza mosaics.....

    Some very nice mosaic work can be viewed in this site........dave.. Bisazza
  9. K

    bisazza glass tiles

    Hi, gonna quote someone for laying bisazza glass mosaic on the floor of a bathroom. It is to be laid on a plywood floor, to be primed before tiling with flexy adhesive and flexi grout. Just checking really that there is nothing else I need to factor in?? Neil



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